Something where I do not know
On Ravelry, there is a discussion on ghosts. And it made me remember some incidents. When my dog died, I slept, I dreamed I was in the back of a car with a St Bernard and my dog, which fell into a lake, and the St Bernard and I perform well at return to the surface, but not my dog. So I told him goodbye. This is where my mother woke me and told me she was dead. Some days later I saw her walk past my room, look at me and return my parents
When my grandfather died, I stayed at home because he did not want me to see in state weakness. During the day I got a chill, I thought this is it, he died. A little later, my parents phoned to tell me the news.
My grandmother died four years ago. The first time I saw her pass in the hallway, and when I did not see her I felt she was there, it makes me still sometimes. And I do not know if it's because I let myself be influenced by the discussion of Ravelry, but yesterday I saw her make her turn in the garden, as was her habit when she was with us.
Finally, once I was reading in my room, I saw a man in rags floating two meters soil enter through the locked door and cross the room. At the time I attributed it to fatigue.
So I wonder: is it that these are hallucinations or ghosts exist then?
And you've seen strange things in your life?