Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Kiss By Joby Talbot Sheet Music



The message of the Hebrew Bible arriving directly from Israel

Reflections and contact:

Psalm 83 helps us take courage

At the heart of the attack on Hamas and Hezbollah in the summer of 5766/2006, spiritual warfare as well as military and media, we took courage with Psalm 83.

שִׁיר מִזְמוֹר לְאָסָף:

chir mizmor léAssaph

On 2 nd mizmor word specifies the type of Chir ( vocals). Mizmor comes from the root Zamar means singing but ... prune (cf Then prune that is not the Word of God.

1. Chant élaguant à Assaph.

God to - money - go to - Atahֱars and - had rest to:

El < véal-ttichqoth < al-tté ' h érèch < al-ddami-la kh < Elohim

2. Elohim, ne reste pas silencieux, ne sois pas sourd, ne reste pas calme, El!

that - here's enemies Iaֱimon Omasanaich carried Head:

roch < nass-or-EI < ouméssan kh has < yéhémayoun < oïvéï kh has < k i-hinna

3. For your enemies are those who you hate lifted his head.

(Les ennemis dénoncés sont ceux de D.ieu.)

on - you fooling secret Wetiacv on - Cponich:

âl-tséphounéï kh a < véyityaâtsou < sod < yaârimou < âl-âmmé kh a

4. Contre ton peuple ils rusent en secret, ils tiennent conseil contre tes protégés .

Onachhidma said go wrong

miggoï < véna kh ' h idém' < kh ou < am'rou

and - recalling name - Israel More:

ôd < chèm-yisraEl < vélo-yizza kh èr

5. Ils ont dit: allons, faisons-les disparaître en tant que nation, ainsi on ne se souviendra plus du nom d'IsraEl.

that conferred note together you alliance and form:

yi kh rotou < brith < âléï kh a < ya ' h ddav < lèv < noâtsou < ki

6. Car ils préparent des résolutions d'un seul coeur, contre Toi ils font alliance.

tents of Edom, the Ishmaelites of Moab, and those living:

véhaguerim ' < Moav < véyichmêElim < Edom' < Ohalei

7. tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and "haguerim '"

Except Moab, all the people mentioned here seem to be Arabs. Yet if we Psalm details is so that we do not make a reading poetic, but that we learn to identify each.

Leading the tents of Edom: Edom is the nickname of Esau, twin of Jacob. The tents said he is mobile, it is believed to Arabia, but his mind has long been camped far away, and number. V IRIL hunter like Nimrod, king of Babylon Babel he objects to the choice of God told his mother before birth (Genesis 25: 23). The nickname Edom, the bloodthirsty, just adom = red, near word dam '= blood. Herod, the tyrant in the pay of Rome, is an Edomite. For all this 2,000 years, Jews nicknamed the Roman Empire and its successors Edom. Consider some details prophetic

When Rome became Christian, the identity of Edom is confirmed. It is the spirit of jealousy against Jacob-Israel, Jews, and deviance vis-à-vis Abraham and Isaac. Esau had married two Canaanite (Gen. 26: 34-35): The Babylonian Edom Christian dilutes his message originally in Hebrew Wedding Greek philosophy and the cult of Mithra. This Mithra was celebrated with a feast of the unconquered sun by the pagan Roman Emperor Aurelian 25 December 274 AD, a century before the Christian invent Christmas. The first two unions announced Esau, then, that Christianity would rather stay in the Greek ideology rather qu'hébraïque and paganizing of pagan festivals, even rather than reflect his own gospel, too Jewish. The shepherds do not keep their flock here in the open air during winter nights ...

But it would be simplistic to see in Esau-Edom that Christianity only: Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan displeased his father Isaac. Then he went to Ishmael, and took over one of his daughters to wife ... (Gen 28: 8-9). This 3 rd wedding announcement there a teshuvah, a return of Edom? It is the romance that Islam plays in the west! Replacement theology of Israel renews: Islam, new chosen people, seduced the old Babylon tired of his Christianity too Jewish. Flattered by the onslaught of this macho, she gives herself with Eurabia, the economic pact cultural and concluded in 1974 between Western Europe and the Arab League. Strange as that alloy of iron and clay (Daniel 2: 40-43) ...

The initial misunderstanding of the profane Esau is seen as having favoritism in the selection that D . God made Jacob. Now that choice has led to the Jews, so far, only suffering. In addition, think that God has a favorite is bad to know him. He loves every human being created in His image. The covenant with Noah, with all mankind, true Old Covenant is not replaced by one with Israel.

For a covenant with the Lord ... can not be eternal.

So what is the purpose of the alliance and additional special Gd with Israel, whose name means warrior of God? It covers the training of eldest son, identified as responsible for assisting the Father with the cadets. This never understood Esau-Edom, Christianity and Islam. Here is the same does not hold a majority of Jews, except the rest of Israel foretold by the prophets. Quality elder son is not the granting of a dominant status , even spiritual. Is that of a servant . Jewish particularism is justified only in the divine service: the responsibility it has to transmit the knowledge of God to humanity. The Hebrew is not the follower of a religion among many, but the servant whose mission is to bring humanity back to its creator. His first post is his creed:

יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהֹוָה אֶחָד

Shema (Hear) Yisrael, this equation divine

The Merciful Judge the legislator = = A.

weigh a little bit on one of the two sides of the scale, is to make a false representation of God, an idol . See only rigor leads to legalism. Conversely, and not admit that preach compassion leads to rejection of the Torah, or falsification: 6 th command (Exodus 20: 13 and Deuteronomy 5: 17) is translated: Thou shalt not kill. it is written You do not assassinate . Because the Torah does not accept that the murderer, the murderer hate alive.

An unwarranted compassion leads to the acceptance of evil, relativism and refusal to distinguish right from wrong . In 1940, Edom denounced resistance. It was the Amalek Nazi korrekt. Today, his children sigh: Rather Muslims dead. totalitarian subversion, whether Nazi, Communist, Islamic, operates capitulationist acceptance of evil pacifists, as Lenin called useful idiots .

Some Christian preaching is pure demagogy. She announced the Savior, healing, miracles, and obscures the true God Holy, Lord and Master. Marcion preached (to 140) a loving God (Christian) in opposition to the angry God of the Jews. Obviously, the Church condemned the doctrine that went too far with his theory of two Gods.

But there is still something. Clandestinely, the spirit of anti-Jewish prejudices perpetuated Marcion. The superiority of evangelical morality is so consistently opposed a eye for an eye righteous. This Christianity to Marcion, cut off from its Hebrew root, avoids to announce a decision yet announced its own sources: the Apocalypse, which means revelation, and has come to mean terrible disaster his book as a Jew, interspersed with quotations from the prophets, for it last received in his Canon. For the love of God can not exist without justice. It is not done, my dear brother , but good feelings, smiles and soft words. It involves a real action of salvation of the universe, and the radical change in history. It is truly saved and delivered from the suffering and death that when evil is crushed.

This Edom that rejects European roots secularized Hebrew very well the old anti-Semitism of church fathers. It discriminates today the Jewish state as he treated the Jews in the Middle Ages. Rejecting the attribute of Justice to retain only God's mercy, even rejecting the remains of a Hebrew God too, its new value where trends left and right join is THE underdog . For the Nazis, the victim was humiliated the German people in 1918, for Communism, was the working class. Never mind if the proletariat bourgeois. The new victim is THE PALESTINIAN . He was allowed to have mercy on the persecuted Jew. But follow the hocus-pocus: now that the Jew left her alone authorized role of victim, and he defends the real Jew is actually the Palestinian. Jew = Nazi. Another new replacement theology, the leftist.

The suburban youth (any precision is politically incorrect) terrorize. Ten per cent - guess who - the total population provides 60% of the prison. They are a place of proselytizing, including the Gauls natives. Politicians must take account of these voters then.

Europe has changed in 30 years.

How do you see your future,

if you stay there?

Cult victimale is amplified by the civilization of the media image. The image will be manipulated much more easily than text. Its emotional power and subjugates imposes feelings numb reflection. The moral relativism of Edom the exemption to examine the chain of causes and facts. It is, i excluded the invite to go beyond the images, can acquire some keys to enrich reflection. For the ratings is merciless: the people want the emotion, he should be satisfy.

civilians fleeing Tyre! What a deal! Why break the emotion by recalling that the Israeli army has dumped thousands of leaflets to prevent people, they seek shelter, as it prepares to destroy a few hundred of 12,000 rockets pointed at Israel Hezbollah, and all located in residential buildings or utilities, so it is impossible to destroy without cause damage "collateral" in appearance and free cruel ...

What wisdom from the Bible that forbids the worship of the image ...

( NR Cohen-Tanugi Link 267,

The European mass media (TV, no need to Hezbollah) is pure propaganda. Resistance to single thought carries over Internet Jewish and radios. Do you use the decoder? It the Bible. Spend more time in front of your TV.

This France, which is not my father's resistance, struggle frantically against the United States to retain some influence internationally. E Miss Iran prides for its stabilizing role and may not qualify Hezbollah terrorist organization , naming his killers: resistant, activists, militants . This France is that of Vichy, which had the resistance to Nazism as terrorists. Its media, its politicians, much its judiciary are objectively the game of Islam. The fear of another explosion in the suburbs brings to deny the existence of the mobile anti-Semitic of the martyrdom of Ilan Halimi, and to hide the millions of murders and rapes committed today by Islam on non- Muslims in southern Sudan and in all countries to Islam.

By cons, TV Edom returns so nagging, day after day, then in retrospect, sequences of images of dead Arab children buried under the bombs, despair survivors Arab and pain of the displaced Arab. European propaganda preparing the next lynching out of your synagogues. Middle East, reporters, under threat, filming what the terrorists tell them to shoot. But sometimes a drone (unmanned aircraft small) surprise of the dead are raised during the staging and rehearsal of false massacres in the studios Pallywood (contraction palestine and Hollywood) .

The latest accusation against Israel is that of disproportionate reaction . Let's talk about proportions:

Islam (30 millions de km2)

---------------------------- ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

IsraEl (21 000 km2)


destructions in Lebanon


Destruction in Israel

Another discrepancy:



Jews of Israel


destructions in Lebanon


Destruction in Israel

The threat is huge. The issue of war that we are not obliged to conduct our borders, our survival .

The donation of land to our enemies in exchange for ... more attacks should have dispelled any illusions of a peace agreement. There will be peace with enemies inherently liars and bigots, than in 1945, after unconditional surrender. The Allies have not negotiated with Hitler, the Messiah will not negotiate with Amalek, nor with "all nations that rise against Yérouchalaïm. " (Zechariah 12)

Some Muslims slay each other very well in Algeria ( 100 000) , Iraq and elsewhere. They do not have s victims of Zionism, but rather the rantings of their so-called Prophet. The unhealthy accounting bodies (Arabs / Jews) the Islamic propaganda of Agence France-Presse systematically exploits the tactics of human shields.

Another discrepancy:

Destruction in Israel


destructions in Lebanon


Respect for life by Islam

-------------------------------- ---

Respect for life by Israel

But - here we quote freely from Pope Nicolas in La Libre Belgique of 25/08/2006 - there is actually a deeper reason to reject the European Israel, and who can not speak rationally: guilt of Europe . The shitty little country (small country m ....) in the words of His Excellency the Ambassador of France to London, Daniel Bernard, who has ... only apologized for having spoken in public) he constantly reminds his sin.

Israel refounded by pioneers 120 years ago under pressure from Christian persecution (of 4 th until 20 th century Russia), not to mention the persecution from the Islamic 7 th century, Israel was admitted to regret that because of the Choas. The crime of Nazi Germany and their assistants have also been denounced by some as just individually, but by any church, nor by Pope Pius XII. He too liked Hitler Stalin fights. Allies informed of the existence of extermination camps did not bomb the railways leading to it. Amin Al Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler's friend, uncle of Arafat, SS recruiting Muslims in Yugoslavia and the Caucasus. Six million Jews Israeli survivors recall today the Europeans of guilt or complicity of their ancestors. Because the crimes of Israel is one: reviving ever European turpitude.

What Israel did she not been charged, only to undergo academic and economic boycotts (unlike Russia and China, yet many in Chechnya and Tibet), divestitures of the Anglican Church, the moral lessons of the World Council of Churches and the Swiss official , accusations of genocide against a so-called Palestinian people that grows and multiplies, apartheid against its Arab minority in Israel so discriminated against, she did not particularly want to leave the Zionist state to join the authority said PA.

In The Holocaust that does not ( World of 13/06/2002), Francoise Giroud illuminated the mystery better than anyone: I think all Christian peoples has never swallowed the Holocaust. Revelation that his relatively late, its size, meticulous and above all the incredible character of systematic annihilation of a people and free world have caused a shock much deeper than we think. (...) With remarkable speed, the first stone of the second intifada, a reversal occurred, typing, which would be inexplicable without the background picture on which it operates. Finally! We have the right to speak ill of the Jews! In Paris, people of good taste does not count the dead Palestinian. When it happens to others, no one knows any more. Moreover, they are scoundrels ... The son of a tortured people should know how to behave at the table, I mean the war and take the blows without returning them ...

Visionary, this forum is perfectly applicable to the war Lebanon. Wanting to protect themselves from the aggression of Hezbollah, the Jewish state is found the aggressor in a few days. He had withdrawn from southern Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza in 2005. Of these two territories "liberated", it continues to duck. What would France, Lille was so bombarded by this militia from the south of Belgium? The disproportion victims (take her back to our little people) can be explained by the opposite tactic of Islamic human shields, and on our side by the massive displacement of Israelis to the south (who speaks?) The obligation to build shelters and the imprecision of the Hezbollah rockets (¾ arrive - unwittingly - in an uninhabited area). Do we blame the Gd Hebrew its protection, and technical backwardness of Israel's neighbors! Nasrallah would have done with better ways?

Everyone knows the Iranian dictator's program that equips Europe and Russia, while pretending to brake.

In the case of "Palestinian", European criticism of Israel is to support the weak (the refugees who are not absorbed, a diversion against the sewer situation in the Islamic world) against the strong ( the tiny state that has absorbed the Jewish refugees worldwide). But while War is taken to Hezbollah which runs by the Nazi hello and the only free country in the Middle East, anti-Israeli posture demonstrates the "double action" of the rabble spiritual what the elite West Babylon . Israel is always wrong, until Judgement of Edom, which is coming soon . Now the outcome of this ruling is known in advance: I loved Jacob and Esau I hated . (Kh Mala i 1: 2-3) What would Jacob afraid of?

Continued verse 7 of Psalm 83:

tents of Edom, the Ishmaelites of Moab, and those living:

véhaguerim ' < moav < véyichmêElim < édom' < ohaléï

7. tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and "haguerim '"

After tents of Edom come OF descendants of Ishmael. It is not written THE descendants of Ishmael, because this war is not the fact of all Arabs. There are Arabs who love Israel! This war is not about race, but spiritual. The Bible therefore differs with Edom OF descendants of Ishmael. It does not even confuses the latter with Amalek, whose memory is erased (Deut 25: 19). But the reconciliation of Ishmael and Isaac was announced by the Torah (Genesis 25: 8-9 with Rashi and our little book Teach us to number our days No 3 p 118-151).

Moab down from Lot, Abraham's nephew. He trains with Ammon (Psalm 83: 8) Jordan. However, his fragile dynasty, and with whom Israel claims it has signed a peace treaty in 1994, observes, like Egypt a cold peace. His regime will last there?

Of haguerim '? They are descendants of Hagar, Sarah's maid. The names and Haguerim Hagar ' have to root gar means reside as an immigrant. Israel was not (resident) in Egypt (plural: guérim ). God reminds him, that he loves and protects the alien who resides in his country. From the divine point of view, Israel is also himself a little in the country which God owns. The only legitimate way to inhabit this earth is to live Alliance.

When the word is not followed by the word tsedeq (justice), it means the lawful resident, translated incorrectly converted to Judaism. The model is tsedeq little Ruth. She comes from Moab, but proclaims Your people are my people and your Gd is my Gd . If the little not tsedeq , it is hardly tochav , that is to say a permanent resident. Israeli non-Jews are loyal to Israel, especially if they belong to minorities persecuted by Islam. But here haguerim , which can also be read as the haGuérim = cured (s) , alludes to two other Israeli citizens

  • be Muslims majority represented by deputies in the Knesset (10 of 120) is gradually taking up the cause of radical Islam and extermination of Amalek (Hamas and Hezbollah).
  • is officially Jews: our own Israeli ruling class, a powerful minority without God, without covenant post-Zionist, disconnected from reality, giving the enemy a land (which does not even belong to Israel, manager only), to see how much of Edom (Nobel Prize in 1994, first kiss for Mr Chirac to Sharon in 2005). Amalek and kills us more easily!

Ehud Olmert said in June 2005: We are tired . Tired of fighting, tired of being courageous, tired to win, tired of beating our enemies ... We want them to become our friends, our partners, our good neighbors. ( New York Times of 11/07/2005) Take her wishes - even excellent - the reality can be deadly the Middle East. We just spent nearly a disaster. Surveys will be conducted, and the team of Mr Olmert has a big problem of general fatigue. So help us send them back to rest.

That the Jews chained to € uro pe or U $ A, where they have all their past but no future that Ephraim Ruth and rid of their idols Babylonian join us in Alliance and come change our electoral majority , pending the King .

Our first prayer is that of Elisha for our people, according to 2 Kings 6: 17:

Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes so he may see. So the Lord opened the eyes of the servant, and he saw: and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Despite threats of Islam and the falsehood of nations spectators, our heavenly Father loves us. It does not announce the future of Europe or America, but plans always that of Israel and those who will join: Word of the Lord Hashem, who gathers the exiles Israel. I will gather still others on him, with his family already assembled. (Isaiah 56: 8)

2 nd Our prayer is for our enemies. Se lon verses 14-19 of Psalm 83, that their wickedness is neutralized, and they seek to know the true God.

This 6 th war fell during our three weeks of mourning which commemorates the destruction of both Temples. Our desert has been spared and we were able to welcome our brothers from the north. Our people have found more unity in grief and struggle. But the mourning and destruction has added an immense cry against lies and propaganda from Europe .

So we to heart and to deepen awareness of our Hebrew Bible prophecies. It's driven by them that we and all our friends have made aliyah. The majority of our people have access only to short excerpt chanted (haphtara), which comes at the end of the long office Shabbos morning. We want to leverage this strength in our people prepared for our pre-Messianic era: what will be a new little book Comfort, comfort my people, a study of many texts of the Hebrew Bible (Tana kh) in relation to the news in an accurate translation and accompanied by an explanation of the wise. If God willing, it will appear next February. Our people have a huge need of divine solace.

We also continue our Investigation of Rabbi Unknown (No. 2, Order No. 1 if you have not), so that Jews and Christians know better.

The cost of this war is enormous. It aggravates social problems.

P read a million and a half Israelis live below the poverty line, or 35.2% of children (769,000).

Help us help them.

You are blessed, we bless you.

You can contact us at the following address:

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Repairing A 1970's Talking Gi Joe Torso

Chanukah, House of God (Psalm 30)


The message of the Hebrew Bible arriving directly from Israel

Kislev 5767 / December 2006

Reflections and contact: elisrael

Call Numbers Make way Lord Straighten Prairie sow our God:

Une voix crie: dans le désert, déblayez le chemin de HaChèm ', tracez droite dans la Arava une route pour notre Gd. (Isaiah 40)

Our Good News from Israel on the war of summer 2006 when commenting on Psalm 83 They said: come on, make them disappear as a nation, and we no longer remember the name of Israel.

support of Europe to Islam it was denounced, and I told you I had cancer.

It was not good news ... it seems

Seems he ... So are surveying all [1] Today's Word D. Gd - with history - it teaches us that even and just inside tragedies that strike us, lies the germ of a huge issue (see my servant appointed Germ , Zechariah 3: 8).

In any case, even if it did not have the same dimension political or eschatological, here's a Good news from Israel first degree: I'm alive and cured of cancer.

The secret of our Good news from Israel is in David

(1 Shmuel / Samuel 13: 14):

בִּקֵּשׁ יְהוָה לוֹ אִישׁ כִּלְבָבוֹ

biqèch Adonai lo ich kilévavo

D.ieu s'est cherché pour Lui un homme selon Son cœur.

Notre arme secrète en IsraEl, c'est d'avoir, comme David, un cœur selon Celui de D.ieu. On dit chez nous:

them? missiles that J. us that Psalms

lahèm yèch tilim, Lanoue yèch Tehillim '

They have missiles, but we have the Psalms.

If our heart is not as one of God, life can turn into tears, in suffering, loneliness, persecution, disease, disappointment, bankruptcy, unemployment. Without a heart by God, life is too hard. A heart as God has the right, sometimes screaming in pain. This is not a heart of stone. But the joy of God remains.

Joy true, does not depend material goods, or peace men, nor health, nor even the love of a spouse. If joy was based on these good things, but changing it is not true joy. Do not confuse joy, or with indifference, nor with mirth, nor even with optimism.

Here the teaching of Torah, the Hebrew message on joy. This is not a list of psychological tricks to succeed in life. The Torah puts things in relationship and we always show what will contribute to the improvement or deterioration. She knows the structure of the world at different levels, for millennia. The Torah is the manual creation. Study and apply this manual, otherwise you lose the manufacturer's warranty.

First word of a woman, ' H anna, three words in the book of his son, Shmuel 1 2: 1:

כִּי שָׂמַחְתִּי בִּישׁוּעָתֶךָ:

ki sama ' h kh tti bichou'âté has

because I I am pleased in Your salvation.

' H anna could not have a child, ridiculed his rival and her husband could not comfort her. She wept, wept continuously until his prayers. A human situation understandable by everyone. Then 'H anna gives us the key to what he has restored his joy. Attention to verse 18 of chapter 1, it has before she had her baby over the same face, his joy was already returned.

' H anna does not say because I am pleased after receiving Your hello but I was delighted (when I managed to place me with joy) in Your salvation. We learn Hebrew education is all that we can well decipher the Psalms.

Joy true, lies in several points:

· is a state simultaneous the difficulty and not that follows.

· The difficulty is seen as part of salvation. The difficulty is not seen as something that precedes hello.

· The remedy for the suffering caused by the difficulty is the fact that a woman or a man reaches that hour to put The inside is THE hello humans. Everything is there: to succeed even in tears to make the effort to place The inside is all happiness and repair, because He is THE goodness and created everything for this. It depends on where the man stands.

For this reason, our Sages point out that the opening words of Psalm 33

רַנְּנוּ צַדִּיקִים בַּיהוָה

rannénou tzaddikim Badon

do not say rejoice, fair, for Hashem ' or in honor of Hashem ',

but: Rejoice, fair, IN Hashem' . Similarly, in Psalm 84: 5

אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ

achré yochevé veit kh has

literally happy those who are sitting OF your house and not only IN your house. That means those who are integral, not only who come sit a moment in passing .

We understand then what dedication, what we talk about home David in Psalm 30 . This house is certainly one built by his son Solomon Yérouchalaïm (and that the Messiah will rebuild Zechariah 6: 12-13) . But it is above all evidence of the already existing and ever since - because it is God in His love - where we sit. Here, we place our lives inside of him qui donne la vraie joie. Il est en moi et je suis en Lui.

made me a temple may dwell among them:

Vé'âssou li miqdach véCha kh an'ti béto kh am '

«Ils Me feront un sanctuaire et J'habiterai à l'intérieur d'eux-mêmes ». (Chémoth / Exode 25 : 8)

GOD DO NOT TELL THAT LIVE IN THIS SANCTUARY, BUT THAT WE LIVE IN (What did he make a religious building? What The interested in is to live within us, in you and me - see Jeremiah 7).

Everything is SIGNED.

human doctrines may be mistaken, because THE SIGN IS SIGN BY HACHEM '. This is the path given and gold given by Gd.

But it also gives us the intelligence to go higher. Example, the Atonement: this is not the blood of the goat who provides, nor blood of any living being. Hashem 'is not Moloch. The blood sacrifice is offered to the sign of our dedication to God and consecration of our lives that He wants.

מִזְמוֹר שִׁיר חֲנֻכַּת הַבַּיִת לְדָוִד:

mizmor chir 'hanouccath habaïth leDavid

1. Song pruner for the inauguration of the House (Gd) to David .

The first word means mizmor song but there is also the root word for pruning, as in Psalm 83. So let's get rid of weeds and pests, ideas and news, European, French, Belgian and Swiss in particular.

אֲרוֹמִמְךָ יְהוָה כִּי דִלִּיתָנִי Ivy Joy and me:

aromime kh a Adonaï ki dillitani vélo simma'htta oyevaï li

2. Je T'exalterai, Adonaï, car Tu m'as tiré du puits comme un seau. Et Tu n'as pas réjoui mes ennemis à mes dépens.



You shot me like a bucket from the well.

This word is extraordinary. The verb in French dip comes from the word well. But his brother dillitani Hebrew, first in this form includes the verb, its subject and its direct object. Then, this Hebrew verb does not draw well but the word derives from dalla "meaning thin wire, and that means bucket dli (What can you do with only one thread?). In addition, Dal also means poor (as thin as a wire, which depends on the other) and DELETHiS, door, suspended from its hinges.

dillitani The word describes how one who sent down an empty bucket hanging from a thin wire - complete picture of poverty, a patient is a poor in absolute terms, even if billionaire - in a dark bottom that does in not finish off back in ... what drink cool water and pure whole family. Enough to open a new door to life. That is dillitani.

I have been diagnosed with cancer. It is always a shock. I settled my affairs, asked for forgiveness that I ought, arranged the papers with Ola, tried to predict if ... At the hospital where I am stripped of everything (dal = poor), even my covenant, and I wore a funny pajamas, which was not mine. I can not remember anything.

Si I glimpsed in my fog light and great angels, light green, surgeons and nurses. And when I got back to me, I was like a newborn child, dependent on others for everyday needs. So the angels took care of me, and I help Ola walking, one who supported me. And I never slept so soundly. Many of you have supported also by phone, mail, and others (thank you ).

A month and a half later, a professor of medicine said to his colleague, pointing to me: He has asked (referring to my yarmulke).

I no longer have cancer, I am alive. Life has a new taste, time is more precious, and the rage of God at work more compelling. God heard my (and your) prayers, he saw my tears (Isaiah 38: 5). I may still die, but somehow I always revives.

Israel is threatened with death by A 'h madinejad, Iran. Iran is Persia. If you can not pronounce the name of the Persian Hitler, say Aman said the devil. Reread Esther, you will prepare and Purim. Aman and this mask does not even want us bursting with joy before the Purim he prepares, he prepares to Islam and the United Nations (which are United as El cons and Israel !)

A ' madinejad am waiting for the Mahdi (Muslim messiah). Guess who's going to happen? The Machia ' am Jewish!

LORD God of my oath to you Utrafany:

Adonaï Elohaï chivva'tti éléïkha vattirpa-éni

3. Adonaï, mon D.ieu, j'ai crié vers Toi et Tu m'as guéri.

the Lord pestle Shaul mental

Adonaï hé'êlita min chéol naphchi

livelihood sailors pit:

' h iyyitani miyyoredi vor

4. Adonaï Tu as fait remonter du Chéol mon âme, Tu m'as permis de vivre, d'entre ceux qui descendent dans la fosse.

Sing unto the Lord his followers and India in memory of holy:

zamerou lAdonaï ' h assidav véhodou lézékhèr qodcho

5. Chantez pour HaChèm ', vous qui L'aimez, et célébrez la mémoire de Sa sainteté.

that Nose moment of life he wanted

ki réga bé-appo 'haïm biretsono

Yellin night crying and visit Renee:

bé'êrèv yalin' békhi vélabboqèr rinna

6 Car il ya un moment pour sa colère, les deux vies [2] (celle-ci, et celle du Monde à Venir à la résurrection) sont selon Sa volonté; le soir, les pleurs viennent loger chez nous, et au matin: un chant de joie!

I said Abshlwe Bell Amott world:

va-ani amartti véchalvi bal émmoth lé'ôlam '

7. Je me disais dans ma tranquillité: Je ne serai jamais ébranlé.

Lord want Ahaֱmadatah mountain goat

Adonaï biretson'kha hé'êmadetta léhareri 'ôz

Hide I would face startled:

histtartta phanéïkha hayyiti nivhal

8. Adonaï, selon Ta volonté, Tu as donné la stabilité à mes montagnes d'énergie.

(Et soudain) Tu cachas Ta face ... je fus bouleversé!

you and the Lord will call אֲדֹנָי אֶתְחַנָּן:

Elei kh has Adonai éqra veel Adonai and 'h annan'

9. To Thee, O Lord, I cry, I beg to my Lord!

what to do in my blood I survived the hay

ma bétsa 'bédami béridetti èl cha' h ath

Hiodach dirt will tell thy handmaid:

hayodé kh a ' âphar hayagghid amitté kh a

10. Quel profit trouves-tu dans mon sang? A ce que je descende dans le trou? La poussière Te célèbre-t-elle? Raconte-t-elle Ta fidélité?

Hanani heard the Lord Ahֱia Lord helped me:

chema 'Adonaï vé' h onnéni Adonaï héyé ‘ôzèr li

11. Entends, Adonaï et fais-moi grâce. Adonaï, aide-moi.

הָפַכְתָּ מִסְפְּדִי לְמָחוֹל לִי פִּתַּחְתָּ שַׂקִּי

haphakhtta misppédi léma'hol li pitta'htta saqqi

וַתְּאַזְּרֵנִי Joy:

vatté-azzréni sim ' h a

12. Tu as changé mon deuil en danse de joie, Tu as dénoué mon sac, et de la joie Tu m'as fait une ceinture.

for Izmarach respect and not their

léma'ân yézamméré kh a khavod bike yiddom '

יְהוָה אֱלֹהַי לְעוֹלָם אוֹדֶךָּ:

Adonai Eloha le'olam' odékka

13. That is why Te sing glory (my soul), and (she) will not keep quiet. Adonai, my God, forever I will praise thee.

Here is the House unveiled by David in Psalm 30! 'H anoucca (= Dedication) commemorates a military victory given by God against the Greek king of Syria 2171 years ago , especially continuation of our spiritual struggle for each (e) in the world know the beauty, light and heat from the house where the Gd of Israel invites us together.

From 25 Kislev 5767, Friday 15/12/2006, just before the Shabbos candles, we light the great light and the first little right, and so on, one more each night (up at 22/12), so that the light increases ...

soon 3, we bless you from Zion.

Ola & Michael

[1] With you, with the sages of Israel and Rav Dufour

[2] For "in the evening then in the morning," cf "Teach us to number our days" 1.

3 Go to Oaks of Mamre to Montmeyran (26120) on Saturday 3 and Sunday, March 4, 2007, the Jewish Cultural Center , 500 bd Antigone in Montpellier Sunday, March 11 2007, Restaurant at Ami Ami Street Basin 8, Neuchatel Sunday, March 18.