Sunday, August 9, 2009

Teeth Kinda See Through

Nosotros No sabíamos (Media)

León Ferrari
Nosotros No sabíamos

September 21 - October 26, 2009

Cloister Gallery School of Fine Arts in Rennes
34, rue Hoche F-35000 Rennes
Monday to Friday from 15 am to 19 pm
and Saturday 14 am to 18 pm
Tel: + 33 (0) 2 23 62 22 60
Fax: + 33 (0) 2 23 62 22 69 /

Opening Monday, September 21 to 18 h
Andrea Giunta, theorist,
Professor at the University of Texas
and Buenos Aires.
at the invitation The Auction Centre of Contemporary Art
, Rennes
Auditorium Sept. 22 at 17 pm
"photogravures re-play
Performance Julien Jeanne
around the work of León Ferrari héliographiée

Dancing Museum
38, rue Saint-Melaine, Rennes
Performance to 19 pm The opening day

Friday, September 25
2, 9, 16 and 23 October

Commissioner: Chantal Bideau
The association
Travesías develops projects in recent years at the confluence of art and writing. She organizes trips to artists, poets and theorists, the idea of generating the link between the regions outside the main roads. It helps to reflect on the ways of thinking and doing art today. The network of human relations in return trips, the transition from local to global are the key concepts of the draft Travesías in this era of all virtual.
The first exchanges were initiated from Argentina because of the very special relationship to this country with Europe. Thus, in 2007, putting Rennes Au Bon Accueil, Tucuman Arde archive, avant-garde movement of the sixties in Argentina, gave an insight into the involvement of artists from that era. In discussions of artists appeared the sake of ensuring that their social and political rejoin the experimental side of their artistic language. León Ferrari has been involved in this movement.
Continuing this research, Travesías presents the exhibition "Nosotros no sabíamos" partnership with the School of Fine Arts, Contemporary Art Center Auction and Dancing Museum of the City of Rennes.

Between the years 1976 and 1983, Argentina lived under one of the most terrible dictatorships of Latin America. "Nosotros no sabíamos" brings together a series of illustrations, collages and photogravures of León Ferrari made in 1976. In the years that followed the dictatorship, the phrase "Nosotros no sabíamos" was commonly heard among the people: "we do not know." This term refers to negligent and complicit attitude of much of society in relation to the events of seven years of horrors. Ferrari has chosen this title for all the newspaper clippings that has met during the first phase of the dictatorship. He was in exile in Brazil following the disappearance of his son Ariel is one of 30 000 missing and murdered during this period. The information passed through the sieve of censorship or deliberately infiltrated newspapers helps maintain the climate of terror. By highlighting a fact that anyone could perceive, the artist says that "we did not know" was impossible.
Back in Buenos Aires, Ferrari makes collages to illustrate the book Nunca más Página/12 edited by the newspaper and the editorial department University of Buenos Aires in 1995. Each week, the newspaper offered its readers a booklet with the various sections of the text and illustrations of the artist. Nunca más is the ratio of the national commission that dealt with research on state repression and the disappearance of people during the dictatorship (CONADEP). It was first published in 1984. The expression
nunca más, "never again", reflects the will of Argentines not to relive the events of that painful past.
In the series "L'Osservatore Romano" and "Nunca más" Ferrari shows the relationship between the iconographic representations of hell over the centuries and the contemporary practices of torture. In 1965, with Western and Christian Civilization, bonding of a Christ on a U.S. bomber denouncing the Vietnam War, he questions the reports that political power has with the power of the clergy. All of his work, containing subversive elements, drew protests from conservative Catholic movement who lobbied for the closure of facilities at various exhibitions in Buenos Aires.
Throughout his career, Ferrari is experimenting with various techniques and devices - Photocopy of the sound sculpture, writing in the manner of abstract collages Michaud realistic. During his exile in Brazil, he made photogravures in which it uses standard images, of Letraset, usually associated with architectural plans, composing uninhabitable areas where the rules of planning are disrupted and where conviviality is impossible. This symbolizes both chaos and order. "About photogravures of León Ferrari (Buenos Aires in January 2008) the Commissioner Andrés Duprat describes this work:
" Through the drawing of architectural plans and use of prints, Ferrari built works that exacerbate imagination to the limits of human relationships. Nodes highway impossible roundabouts which concentrate masses of people, structures in which the use of cars and pedestrians are reversed, space organizations contradictory constructions unlikely that we rush into a world of strange fascination. These photogravures, presented at the Museum of the dance will be performed by Julien Jeanne in a series of dance performances.

Argentine theorist Andrea Giunta invited by the Centre of Contemporary Art Auction, deepen the insight into the work of this iconic artist in his lecture "The Case of Ferrari." Giunta is a specialist in art of the sixties, is investigating the relationship between avant-garde artistic and political development of modernity in Latin America.
Through this exhibition, Travesías wishes to offer the public in the region a wider knowledge of the Argentine art by focusing on the work of one of its most renowned artists and influential for younger generations.

Chantal Bideau and Bernice Gustavino
Rennes, July 2009

Short Biography of Leo Ferrari Ferrari
León was born in 1920 in Buenos Aires. In the fifties, he studied sculpture with a variety of materials: ceramic, plaster, cement, wood, and he made his first exhibitions in Argentina and Europe. By the early sixties, he creates sculptures out of wire. He also began his "scriptures": abstract designs that mimic the writing without really being read.
In 1964, Ferrari group of artists participating in the Institute Torcuato Di Tella, headquarters of the avant-garde art in Buenos Aires. At that time, he designed assemblies bottles, cages and dolls and is interested in religion and politics. In 1965, he introduced Western civilization and Christian at the cost of the Institute Torcuato Di Tella. It was a replica of an American bomber which was fixed a figure of Christ crucified. The institute has decided not to accept this collage for his criticism of the imperialist policy of the United States in Vietnam and the reference to the power of the Church were too explicit. This piece has become a paradigm in the tradition of the avant-garde aesthetics and politics of art of the twentieth century. After
one step more abstract, he resumed the religious iconography to make collages and photomontages. Images of hell in paintings of the masters of the Middle Ages or Renaissance are thus made in connection with photos and newspaper articles. He wonders in particular on the idea of punishment and hell in the Christian church, it connects with contemporary practices of torture. At this time, he also produces objects that combine small figures, icons of the Church as saints or virgins, with animal feces. In The Last Judgement, he installed an aviary with doves and placed at the bottom of the cage a reproduction of the Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo. The work s'autoproduisait with feces of birds. It combines the process and art and political provocation by violating an iconographic work in the manner of the Mona Lisa with a Moustache by Marcel Duchamp.
León Ferrari has participated in numerous exhibitions in Europe and the Americas as the last Biennial of São Paulo and the Mercosur in Porto Alegre. In 2007 he won the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale and participated in Documenta 12. MoMA in New York recently showed his work in the exhibition "Tangled Alphabets "with the Brazilian artist Mira Schendel.
For more information:

Andrea Giunta and "L'Affaire Ferrari
Specialist Argentine art of the sixties, Andrea Giunta followed the wide path of artistic Ferrari controversy since its participation at the cost of the Institute Torcuato Di Tella in 1965 until his anthology in Mexico in 2008. His book El Caso Ferrari. Arte censura y libertad de expresión in the retrospectiva en el Centro Cultural Recoleta, 2004-2005, published in 2008, brings together texts to address the complex relationships between art, censorship and society. During the major retrospective of Ferrari at the Cultural Center Recoleta Buenos Aires in 2004, she curated the author examines such concepts as "free speech", "responsibility" and "public order" under legal discourse generated around the "Ferrari case." It also analyzes the role of public institutions in the artistic and the limits of contemporary art.
Andrea Giunta is a professor and researcher in art history, she teaches Latin American art at the University of Texas, Austin, United States, where she directs the CLAVIS (Center for Latin American Visual Studies) is also a researcher at CONICET, Argentina. In his book Vanguardia Internacionalismo y política. Arte argentino de los años sesenta (published in Buenos Aires Paidós in 2001 and reissued in 2008 by the publisher
Siglo XXI, then translated into English and published by Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, in 2007 ), it examines trends in avant-garde of that period and the process of internationalization of Argentine art. She recently presented Poscrisis. Arte argentino dopo 2001 (Siglo XXI, 2009).

conference Sept. 22 at 17 pm in the auditorium of the ERBA

"Rotogravure" performative exhibition of photogravures of Leon Ferrari

Choreographer Jeanne Julien devised a project inspired by the series of photogravures of León Ferrari. With the help of a group of amateurs and sound artist Damien Marchal, he wants to build a moving space at the border between exposure and performance will be achieved when a series of actions, both visual and choreographic sound emanating directly from these impressions in connection with photogravures of Ferrari.
performance on opening day and Friday 25 September and on 2, 9 and October 16 to 19 hours.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Custom Chap

Voces, Voices, Voices

During his residency El Levante, Rosario, Alain Lesaux worked on an edition of poetry he has translated into English, English, German and Bulgarian. The artist Brigid McAuliffe, who shared the residence with him during the summer of 2008 participated in this edition by providing photos taken during the evenings on milonga tango steps.

collection is to sell 10 euros at the headquarters of the association
2 rue HippolyteLucas 35000Rennes
Exile is a veiled sun
Exile playing leap-verb
Between bushes memories

Exile uncovers a cricket
In the voice of a muezzin

Exile wave in the wave
Fundus background mouth
skidder a corner

On a coffee table
In flies circling

To play with the shadow Who
advance between the voices

To play with the server behind
who twirls his dam

To play with the exile
And his cards greasy

And his bones white and red

Water exiles on the skins Des Tambours muets

Dans le jaune des rues
blafard Couches, terne dans des yeux fermés bonsoirs

L'exil non ce pas des bêtes
Licola Perdues
Non pas ces foyers of cendre froide

Comment dire: j 'defy vivants les rives? Comment

Surviving are in ex-il?

(Brest, dimanche 3 juin 2006)

Exile is a veiled sun (Voice)
play Exile verb break memories
Among shrubs

discover a cricket's voice a muezzin

vague wave background Fundus
recognized in a corner coffee table in
In the torpor of the flies

Playing with shadows that pass with the voices

Playing with the waiter turning back to his levee
exile and his letters
greasy and white and red bones

water exiles in silent drum skins

The pale yellow street Lying
Given good night with your eyes closed
animals that flange Lost
households not cold ash
How say defy the living diving?
How to survive in ex-ilio?

Brest, domingo 3 de junio de 2006

(Translation: Silvio Mattoni)

Free American Chikan Movies

A vuelo Chancho

In the residence of the Argentine poet Sergio Raimondi, workshops were held in Brest IUFM with classes at an elementary school, college and high school in Brest.

A small book was published A vuelo chancho extract from one of the editions of the "museo puerto del "Bahia Blanca where Sergio Raimondi provides leadership events and publications.
remains small books translated into French for teachers who wish to exploit them with their students.
association headquarters 2, rue Hippolyte Lucas 35000 Rennes

Orthodontists In Johor Bahru

of the poems in the pot

This project took shape on political speech and media of the second half of 2007 reflecting the will of our rulers to allow access to homeownership for all. However
"access to the precarious" Is not perspective for many of our contemporaries here as elsewhere. Behind the closed shutters that eat so our happy owners who are in debt for decades. The situation is often absurd. How to play in this context of social regression with words and action can achieve together people from different backgrounds: artists, poets, political refugees asylum, elders, youth. The idea of the soup came from the polysemic character of this dish, which also has a rich symbolism. Alternately comforting or excluding this dish is featured on all tables in the world. The soup of the poor, the prisoner's, the soup that warms the belly and heart.
Do we know yet do it? May be a bit outdated to make a soup and share it when it is easier to buy packaged foods super market. But the soup, traditional power base of the last century may well become again the main dish on many tables. That they say is the only popular source of livelihood for many people in rich countries.
all started in grassland St Martin in Rennes

walks along the canal, meetings with people who grow gardens.

• We crafted soups
• In the community kitchen
• Soup • Soup Chechen
• A soup of Angola
imaginary soups, soups of poets, artists soups of all colors.

Soup Kosovo zove

Ovo is Paca

500 grams of chicken eggs

5 2 natural yoghurts
Salt, pepper, paprika
Flour (2 heaping)
A little vegetable oil
2 or 3 liters of water.

The soup kitchen! •

it dates from 36
• I remember
• at the time
• People were very poor

the book's poems in the pot is on sale at the headquarters of the association: 2 rue
Hippolyte Lucas 35000 Rennes
price: 12 euros

How To Masterbate And Not Take A Shower

Travesias in poetry 2008/2009

Plan 2008 - has established residences cross Argentine and French poets and edited anthologies of poetry for each country to give a panorama of contemporary writing in both regions. In July August
Alain Lesaux, Brest poet lived in El Levante in Rosario. His visit allowed him to attend lectures and meetings with South American poets "todos los rios van al mar" organized by the Cultural Center of Spain in the city of Rosario.
The residence time is also an opportunity to meet with the local people, confrontation with another culture. Horizontal exchanges are made possible because of the cohabitation in the residence El Levante a visual artist Brigid Mac Auliffe photographer from the USA
Lesaux Alain was able to prepare a draft edition with poems translated into English, English, Bulgarian and Photos visual ..
We plan to publish in 2009 a booklet with the CD of readings. Voces, Voices, Voices
encounter with a teacher of French College of Rosario was also allowed to discover the poet's texts for a younger audience. The poet's invitation
Argentine Sergio Raimondi at home to Rennes in poetry has given rise to a series of meetings.
Upstream work from his residence had been established with the IUFM Brest. English teachers had begun in September to study the texts published in museo del puerto where the poet Sergio Raimondi coordinates special events and work with schools.
He also teaches contemporary literature at the Universidad del Sur in Bahia Blanca. An exhibition in the gallery of the hum. helped raise awareness of the educational work conducted by the poet and the museum team of Bahia Blanca. An excerpt
partially translated from the edition of the book Vuelo Chancho was published by the association and distributed to children in primary classes, colleges and high schools that participated in the meeting with the poet and the editor of Vox, Gustavo Lopez, who has edited an anthology of French-language poets of the Brittany region translated into English by Argentine poet Silvio Mattoni

The association develops educational and cultural partnerships within each region.

Partners For 2008 the association was Travesías in France are:

The House of Poetry in Rennes, Brittany Southern University, the Ecole des Beaux Arts de Lorient and Rennes, IUFMs Rennes and Brest and schools, colleges and high schools, associations palabra in Brest and Lorient América Latina, the University of Paris 8 and the Argentine Foundation in Paris ..

The program of events:

Crossing poetry

cross Editions:

In Bahia Blanca, a town on the door of Patagonia (Argentina) editions by VOX: The Best of French language poets resident in Britain . This selection text was translated and edited by Silvio Maton in Argentina in December 2008. Hervé
Carn, Marie Josée Christien, Chantal Couliou, Jean Pascal Dubost, Henri Droguet Michel Duguay, Guénan Alain Jégou, Olivier Hobé Alain Le Beuze, Emmanuelle Cam, Denise Le Dantec, Marc Legros, Denis Rigal, Jean Francois Roger, Erwann Rouge, Alain Le Saux, Pierre Tanguy.Yves Requested.

In Rennes a bilingual edition of poets published by Apogee Argentines. Translated by Cecilia Beceyro and Sergio Delgado.
Lucía Bianco, Fabián Casas, Francisco Garamona, Laura Witnner, Martín Prieto, Gabriela Sacon Mariano Blatt, Damián Rios, Roberta Iannamico Sergio Raimondi, Washington Cucurto, Patricia Suarez, Morning Gambarotta, Viola Veronica Fischer, Daniel García Helder.

Exhibition from January 12, 2009: In the gallery
IUFM Brest
Journals visual arts and poetry, posters, books, drawings. Thursday, January 29, 2009

19.30 Maison Internationale de Rennes
Evening meeting with Sergio Raimondi (Argentina) and Alain Le Saux (Britain) on the occasion of the simultaneous release of the anthology of poets from Britain in Argentina (published by Vox ) and an anthology of young poets around Argentine Britain (published by Apogee) translation Beceyro Cecilia and Sergio Delgado.
In the presence of two editors, (Gustavo Lopez Vox and Andre Crenshaw for Apogee).

Alain Le Saux was born in 1959 in Lannion. He has published no fiction (Wigwam, 1992) and recently Crucifixion (The Shoals, 2008). Last summer, he stayed in Rosario, Argentina, as a resident guest.
"Alain Le Saux takes warm and winding routes. Cross roads to get from the sea to the city but also of oneself to oneself through other people's intimate landscapes, their ways so particular to give it (him) who knows how to take the filter and recycle them by sending them the energy boost they needed. "(Jacques Josse)
Sergio Raimondi (Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 1968) directs the Museum of Ingeniero White Port, an institution dedicated to the collection of archives and develop the history of the port community. Since 2002 he is professor of literature at the Universidad Nacional del Sur. He has published poems in several journals and Argentine international and civil Poesía book (2001, Vox) has been translated into German and selected by the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Literatur aus Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika. "He participated in poetry festivals in Berlin, Lanzarote, Paris, Santiago de Chile and Argentina. Raimondi Sergio also wrote critical essays about the works of Domingo F. Sarmiento, Juan Bautista Alberdi Aldo Oliva, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, Arturo Carrera y Martín Gambarotta. His translation of the poet Catullus was published under the title Catulito in 1999. He received the 2007 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship for a project entitled "Para a diccionario crítico of la lengua. "

Brest Play / meeting / debate Thursday, February 5
IUFM 8, rue d'Avranches
13 h 30 workshop led by Professors Students from colleges and high schools Brest, poets and publishers from Argentina.

17 30 pm Panel: "Living in Argentina poetry today"
Participants: Sergio Raimondi, resident poet at the Poetry House of Rennes, will discuss his research into the vernacular, that of immigrants, and his work with the public, including schools, the Museo del Puerto, Alain Le Saux Brest poet who spent two months in residence Rosario El Levante, will discuss his experience and his life during this residency.
Gustavo Lopez, editor of Vox, anthologies and present its work to promote contemporary poetry (workshops, seminars, support of young poets). Presentation
anthologies cross between Britain and Argentina:
- Argentine poets, edited and translated by Apogee Beceyro by Cecilia and Sergio Delgado;
- Breton poets, published by Editions Vox, "Crossing poetry, a certain look at poets in Britain today ", translated by Silvio Maton. Gaëlle
Legendre provide simultaneous translation.

20 hours at La Tasca, 13 Pasteur Street (street corner Traverse), free admission
At the initiative of the association Palabra, discussions with stakeholders around a glass
conversational English.

31 January and 1 February
Participation in the exhibition held at the Feathers rebels Hall Martenot
to Rennes by Amnesty International, presentation of anthologies and editions Travesias.des editions Vox and the Museo del puerto

February 2 and 3
Encounters Lorient at the Ecole des Beaux Arts and the University with the participation of Britain south of the association Lorient América Latina

February 13 February 13 14 H 14 H Foundation
Argentina International City (27, boulevard Jourdan, Paris 75014) Seminar organized by the team LI.RI.CO. (Literature contemporary Rio de La Plata), Studies Laboratory Romance (EA 1570)
"Archaeologies. Archives, genealogies and Writing Drafts "Statement by Sergio Raimondi
Collection presentation by Gustavo Lopez VOX
Poetry reading by Sergio Raimondi
The association is supported by Cultures France, Britain DRAC, the Regional Council of Brittany and the city of Rennes.

Crips And Surenos Get Along

short crossing: language breil

In a suburb Rennes Beauregard, where rural-urban mix, various events were held with residents to prepare for the exhibition "look greedy on the Breil 'in September 2008 at the Information Center on Urban Planning. This area is being urbanized for its northern part. To the south lies the campus of Villejean east the administrative city, prefecture, Chamber of Commerce, General Board.
It will install the next regional background of contemporary art.
alignments of Aurélie Nemours and contemporary architectures such as departmental archives are therefore close to the fields operated by farmers even in this urban area.
In June 2008 various events were held with the district government to prepare an exhibition on the gardens.
The "language of Breil" falls within this framework.
The idea was to create an inter-generational project in a neighborhood where there are many young people because of the proximity of the campus but also where the tradition continues in farms, gardens and agricultural college in that area.
We started mapping the neighborhood to 1/1OOOO a field observation architectures, groves, berms and gaps.
Identifying place names themselves,
The farm gate
The scope of Robert ... The road
fields roasts.
already invitations to the novel.
To switch to Grabotière Pilonière we crossed the Heath.
From this observation each participant builds his own plane by adding to his personal notes, stories, drawings, photographs taken during the hike, a road, a house, a tree, a cloud ... The real and imaginary coexist to form a language: the language of Breil. A collection to

500 copies were published of this action by Rennes metropolis.
and some references ...
In 1923, a wandering aimlessly was tempted by 4 surrealist artists from a city chosen at random.
The idea of urban drift was taken up by the Situationists in the 50s. These artists felt able to redevelop the urban areas. This psycho geography, that is to say, reviewing laws and specific effects of geographical environment acting directly on the urban behavior, gave himself the means:
-experimental drift
-Reading aerial views and plans
-sociological survey results

"An urban neighborhood is determined not only by geographic and economic factors but no representation that its inhabitants and those of other neighborhoods have"

The experience we have had with the residents of Beauregard is in this story that always catches up. A path had been more or less defined, we note the random walk of anecdotes, all those little stories that always join the great history


the small crossings Travesias: Princesses

to fit on a territory and in order to move from local to global, the association to develop poetic-political actions in Rennes, some have resulted in publications:

What Princess Wants?

in October 2007. Before surgery artists costura urbanas in a home for asylum seekers.

What is this elsewhere
you dream when you leave the country
must learn another language,

live in another culture,
children dream they shared this elsewhere?
their words are:

I want to walk in a campaign full of flowers,
I want a house with lots of windows,
I dream of living near a large river with my brothers and sisters

One day
We would see the sea
but they do not know write the word dream in their language,
we wrote the word princess in Cyrillic.

Customise My Bmx Bike

poetry anthology of young poets

editions Apogee Rennes
translation Beceyro Cecilia and Sergio Delgado

Another memory

We have to invent another memory
not to go crazy. Roberto

When more than two windows open at the same time, it offers air, clarity and perspective, especially if any of them overlooking a panoramic landscape or exotic (from the pampas Andes branching off to the sea ports, where it bars pitching), but all focus is, instead, the daily reality of a burgeoning, taken and described by the horns (which makes it very physical ) by poets born in Argentina between 1960 and 1978.
It is not necessary to go over in detail what has been endured the people of this country during the past decades but it is obvious that this history (political, military, social and economic) can not not fit into contemporary art. Thus, what we discovered recently at the screen, across Agnus Dei, the film by Lucia Cedron or Fallen Angels Pablo Reyero or more InSIC still in Poems by Juan Gelman, who had to do with this dark years, dictatorship, opponents disappeared, the wounds still gaping and desolation that does not clear, it is found equally divided, watermark, significantly, almost trivial but so effective in the poems translated by the authors. What they
say may surprise. The live-in is rarely transcribed but viciously interrogated obliquely, gently, wielding irony, derision, and sometimes the absurd in small doses. We are in the art of subtle and judicious circumvention. More readily in the digression in the sketch. Described, return a particular scene, including players to show their work enough. If sense (or nonsense) there, it will in the end the reader to detect it by going to delve between the lines, words, emotions, compromise, replicas, the vagaries of a leading newspaper that more faster. All
capture, capture at a glance (opening every time an almost cinematic sequence) which gives relief to the monotony room. Here, a perfume bottle falls and an unexpected gem too ordinary well-oiled. Here, children have fun putting coins on the rails until the passage of the next train. Elsewhere, someone dreaming of his boredom during a bus trip to Bahia Blanca. Elsewhere, an irascible grandfather made a ruckus at the baptism of his grand-son (scene rendered by Washington Curcurto out of the church), taking a real pleasure to shatter wisdom and good feelings ...
These pieces of lives (themselves into pieces) which intertwine with passion and restraint, however, quite often in the right mood (or can not cry on yourself or on others in these poems), between reflex and reflection, can be considered a "chronic writings in progress." Chronic held by authors who listen, observe and record, remixing them in a stream close to the spoken word, all the chips or whispers, stories and surprises, strokes, strokes or heart rants able, as suggested judiciously Juarroz Roberto (1925 - 1995), a leading Argentine poets, to help them invent, now, "another memory."

What Does A Kg Of Fat Look Like

Argentine poetry anthology of writers living in Britain

éditée aux éditions par Gustavo Lopez de Bahia Blanca
"Poetry is still in the center of the literary establishment in Britain, which does not date from yesterday. But let's put aside the past and its prestigious authors (Corbière, Segalen, Robin, Guillevic ... etc.) E interesémonos as can be glimpsed or guessed, say, from early 1980. The question is not simple. The current writings show great diversity. Each poet has a particular itinerary. Although there are some points of convergence. Because addition of an era a place and a common imagination, there is a collective memory of where each other come to feed. This is reflected primarily in the topics: the sea, death, exile, wandering, the relationship with real, unreal and with a background (almost always) be an unspeakable sadness.

On the way, no different from what is written in other parts of France (and Belgium, Switzerland, Québec) for several decades. We find the same movements, the same influences, the same nuances and meanders, they also ...

tics Faced with such abundance, impossible to penetrate the jungle, or forest-published materials except on tiptoe. Everyone can then walk among branches, visible roots and "weed language" (for retormar an expression of Georges Perros) trying to warn the voices able to speak. "

Jacques Josse
(From the magazine Europe, n º 91, May 2005)
traductions Silvio Mattoni