The invention of alphabetic writing
coincides with the prohibition images
The Greek alphabet, whence the Latin alphabet, its origins in the Phoenician sailors. Thus we have long believed that the invention came from Lebanon until the archaeologist deciphers FWM Petrie in 1905 in emerald mines of Serabit el-Khadem in Sinai, the first inscriptions aleph-Betic , dated 35 centuries ago, we named proto-Sinaitic . These inscriptions are in Hebrew. Is this a coincidence?
The man had started to write by drawing - in a manner agreed - objects and signs of less figurative. Such an agreement communication are thousands of signs, and requires imagination when it comes to drawing ideas . Skip to stage even less figurative and more abstract, leaving behind such systems (Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerian cuneiform, Chinese ideograms) is lighten a heavy learning. But we must look at this revolution reasons other than laziness. Prefer the lazy usually its inertia and routine, an intellectual revolution.
We can ask ourselves:
1. What could have grown emerald miners, not intellectuals, to be without the services of a public writer expert in hieroglyphics?
2. Why did they prefer to make drawings of objects counted at extreme, the model began with a certain sound, to forge consonants, and so will write and describe things, not just as they conceived, but as they heard them?
3. What historical event could be quite decisive, which text has been written enough capital and especially for a people to a new era of communication by not "shape the images of things that are in heaven on earth or under the earth "?
1. What could have grown emerald miners, not intellectuals, to be without the services of a public writer expert in hieroglyphics?
2. Why did they prefer to make drawings of objects counted at extreme, the model began with a certain sound, to forge consonants, and so will write and describe things, not just as they conceived, but as they heard them?
3. What historical event could be quite decisive, which text has been written enough capital and especially for a people to a new era of communication by not "shape the images of things that are in heaven on earth or under the earth "?
This event is the giving of the Torah in Chemother / Exodus 20: 4 (the second of the Ten Words [1] ) prohibits absolutely any image, for the first worship in spirit and in truth.
Who is the author of the new writing system? Some scribes also brilliant and unknown?
No, the author refers to Himself: "Writing is writing Gd [2] .Location (Sinai), time (35 centuries ago), motivation (anti-images), everything leads us directly to the writing of the Torah, the first important text for Humanity .
This article is drawn from our study, "Teach us to number our days", contact us by e-mail
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