We are writing from Sapir, a small oasis of palm trees and bougainvillea in the Arava desert, partie orientale du Néguev, au Sud d'IsraEl, entre la Mer Morte et Eilat. Loin de l'agitation des villes, il ne règne ici que calme et amitié:
Ishshum desert willow flourish Cracker Utgal lily:
Ils se réjouiront, le désert et la terre aride ,
The Arava will rejoice
And blossom like the amaryllis. (Isaiah 35: 1)
Welcome to Sapir in our air-conditioned rooms: just immerse yourself in the Hebrew Bible in their original or near the lake in our palm, in the pool (from June and September), discover the Negev Desert, Qumran, Ein Gedi, Masada, Mizpah Ramon-
... Come as you wish to share our dinner table full board or half board, or just book your room, or even just your place in a tent or sukkah. We put at your disposal a large terrace and lawns, a kitchen equipped with refrigerator, showers and toilets, possibly camping equipment on loan. Ask for a quote and contact us to elisrael777@gmail.com and elisrael@arava.co.il
First make a small tour by clicking on the album: http : / / picasaweb.google.com / michaelola /
Also share our thoughts, in light of the Hebrew Bible: Why
- Hebrew written without vowels?
- Courage Israel (Psalm 83): Who are today Edom and Amalek?
- How 'H anoucca ( inauguration of the House of Gd ) David speaks in Psalm 30?
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