FRANKLY AL'ORAGE by Guy Milliere
Frankly the storm (info # 011903 / 9) [Analysis] By Guy Milliere © Metula News Agency
I wrote several times that the time would pass quickly to the storm as regards relations between Israel and the United States. We're there. Fully. Even faster than I'd imagined in my moments of pessimism. The sky is definitely dark and heavy hail. Of course, there was no curse words or too violent, at least for now. We left field suggestions and allusions.
Nevertheless, the remarks made by Hillary Clinton during her recent stay Middle East, and on his return to the United States are quite clear. If they added those of John Kerry when he went to Gaza and Damascus, the message is clearer still. If it punctuates the whole words and positions of George Mitchell, the man who thinks that the situation in the Middle East meets the same parameters as the situation in Ireland, it becomes clear. If we add to the landscape hesitation waltzes by Susan Rice at the United Nations towards the Islamic bloc, the return of Samantha Power, a follower of Walt-Mearsheimer thesis, now installed in the White House, not far from the Oval Office, the Missed appointment of Chas Freeman, fellow traveler of Wahhabism Saudi and Chinese dictatorship, to chair the National Intelligence Council, the clarity is almost as painful.
And I prefer not to return to the words coming from Obama himself, in almost continuous stream of the interview with Al Arabiya day after his enthronement, his conversations with leaders of Indonesia, March 13 , on "agreements" to be struck between the U.S. and Islam, otherwise the pain would become unbearable.
The willful blindness, as Jimmy Carter three decades ago, is back, and when you see what happened to Jimmy Carter since, is not really promising. Barack Obama to win a title, which I attributed so far to Carter: the worst president in U.S. history. The line is drawn. The United States will negotiate with Iran, reaching out and if they spit in a first-hand, they will tend the second. If it is not enough, they will tend the cheek, and if they get a slap, they will tend the other cheek. This is pathetic. It already is. Iran will pose its conditions, and will be accepted, even if they are coated with a few phrases thrown in the wings to the attention recent gullible. Iran will have all the means to build an atomic weapon, but he will not cross the ultimate step: he is content with the "civil nuclear" that can be converted, if necessary, in one day, nuclear weapons . To not pass the final stage, Iran will conditions that are already being met: the reinstatement of Syria in the concert of "civilized nations", that of Lebanon under the control of Hezbollah, with which we already discussed. In Afghanistan, as I expected, it seeks earnestly of "moderate Taliban" with that agreement. Attempt will soon be moderate terrorists? You know: people who kill civilians, but in moderation. Presumably.
Iraq, freed from the yoke of Saddam's bloody, has, under these conditions, better watch out. If the Gulf emirates have wondered who was in a strong position in recent months, they did ask for more, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt. With regard to Israel?
We must give up something if we want to assume the position of Persian prayer rug at the foot of the mullahs, and other conditions are just appetizers. Israel will ask the Golan for Syria, the whole of Judea and Samaria and half of Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority, to whom, cons, we do not demand and require absolutely nothing, if not form a coalition government with Hamas, which at once, it will fréquentable.Le Hamas, for now, tend not to be convinced: we will redouble our efforts in Washington to push in the desired direction. The billions pledged for reconstruction of Gaza, who will not go to Hamas directly, but pass by UNRWA (which cooperates with Hamas), not enough? We will add some others, if necessary. These people have fresh: buy rockets, digging tunnels, maintain a population in the rubble.
An Israeli government did not comply would be accused of being an enemy of peace, or even worse, if there is a qualification adéquate.Le U.S. government does not pronounce certain words, he lets the other utter. The European Union is on the wavelength of the Obama administration as regards foreign policy, Javier Solana and said bluntly: Israel has a clear interest in doing what we asked him to do but it in cook.
What conduct may adopt Israel? Resistance. It is the only outcome in such cases. Europeans would be ready, I fear that Israel will disappear: it commemorates the Holocaust in Europe, which is not the case in Iran Holocaust denier and anti-Semitism in the Arab world, but we In Europe, a common point with Iran Holocaust denier and anti-Semitic Arab world, we have nothing against the Jews dead, and are preferred to the Jews standing. Americans are not there: What Obama thinks, what his advisors imagined by "Zionists", the American people He is not willing to see Israel destroyed. Europe is declining and is at dusk, though, because they are blinded by the television and brainwashed by speeches inept held all day long, Europeans do not discern. America still has some strengths. Obama will. It is already happening, and in the American press, the number of journalists who wonder if it is not only leftist, but profoundly incompetent (not incompatible), has grown steadily in recent weeks . The American people have not switched to the European socialism, even if in an unguarded moment, he has elected a social agitator roots Islamo-leftists to the presidency on November 4. The storm will pass. Israel will remain. What is important is to avoid too heavy damage in the meantime. This must be the primary task for now.
If I wanted to end on a glimmer of hope, I would say that Iran's strategy, despite the rhetoric we hear coming from excited Tehran does not seem to be for the time being, that of a violent destruction of Israel, but of suffocation gradual. What must not be forgotten is that Iran is not alone, but part of a nebula where dictatorial discerns the shadow of Russia and Putin, background, Putin's Russia has Chine.La alliances and played a chess game on the planet. It places its pawns, towers and riders. The Europeans are docile pawns. Obama is so cavalierly, the road to Damascus. Tehran square towers. Not Now, for the Tsar and his minions, it would overturn the chessboard in a way too brutal.
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