The Stranger's voter

C 'is the criminal you, O People, since you're the Sovereign . You are, indeed, the criminal unconscious and naive.
You vote and you do not see that you are your own victim.
You vote and you do not see that you are your own victim.
Yet have you not yet experienced enough that members, who promise to defend you, as all governments of the world present and past, are liars and powerless?
You know you worry and complain! You know and you name them! The rulers of any kind, worked, work and work for their interests, those of their caste and their cliques.
Where was it and how could it be otherwise? The governed are subordinate and exploited: in do you know who do are not?

long as you do not understand that it is for you alone to produce and live as you please, as you will bear, - for fear - and you make them yourself - by belief in the authority - leaders and managers, know too well, your delegates and your masters will live in your work and your silliness.
You complain of everything! But is it not you the author of a thousand wounds that you eat?
You complain of everything! But is it not you the author of a thousand wounds that you eat?
You complain to the police, army, justice, barracks, prisons, government, laws, ministers, government, financiers, speculators, officials, bosses , priests, Owners, wages, unemployment, parliament, tax, tax collectors, pensioners, the high cost of food, rent and rents, long days of workshop and factory, the pittance, privations without number and the endless social inequities.

You complain, but you want the maintenance of the system where you vegetate. You revolts sometimes, but always to start. It is you who produce all, who plowed and sown, which forges and woven, molded and transformed to that and build factories, which feeds and fruitful!
So why do you drink your not hungry? Why Are you evil dressed, poorly fed, housed evil? Yes, why without bread, without shoes, without the house? Why are you not your master? Why you curves you, obey you, do you serve? Why are you the less, the humiliated, the offended, the servant, the slave?
You draw everything and anything you possess? Everything is you and you are nothing.
I'm wrong. You are the voter, the votard, one who accepts what is he who, by ballot, punishes all its miseries, he who, by voting, devotes all its easements.
You are the volunteer valet, the domestic kind, the lackey, the stooge, the dog licking the whip, crawling before the grip of the master. You are the Sergot, the jailer and the spy. You are the good soldier, the porter model, the tenant volunteers. You are the loyal employee, the devoted servant, the sober peasant, the worker resigned from your own slavery. Thou art thyself thy executioner. What are you complaining about?
You're a danger to us, free men, for us anarchists. You're a danger to the equal of tyrants, masters as you give yourself, as you call, you argue, you feed that You protect thy bayonets, that you forbid your brute force, you exalt your ignorance, you are authenticated by your ballots - and that you impose upon us by your stupidity.
It was you the Sovereign, that we are flattered and fooled. Speeches t'encensent. The posters you hang up, you love nonsense and sycophancy: be happy, waiting to be shot in the colonies, to be massacred at the borders, in the shadow of your flag.
If your language interested pourlèchent Royal droppings, O King! If candidates hungry and full of platitudes commandments, brush the loin and rump autocracy of your paper if you're gray incense and promises that you dump those who've always betrayed you and deceive you sell tomorrow is that you yourself are like them. Is that you are no better than the horde of starving your sycophants. Is that not being able to raise you awareness of your individuality and your independence, you are unable to assiduously avoided by yourself. You do not want, so you can be free.
Come, vote right! Have some confidence in your agent, believe in your elected officials.
But stop complaining. The yokes that you suffered, it is yourself that you impose them. The crimes of which you suffer, thou doest. You're the master, you're the criminal, and, ironically, you're the slave, you're the victim.
We, tired of the oppression of the masters that you give us, tired of supporting their arrogance, tired of supporting your passivity, we just call you to reflection to action.
Well, a good move: leaving the coat close to legislation, wash your body roughly, so that dying parasites and vermin that devour you. Then only be able to live fully.
THE CRIMINAL is the Elector!
Albert Libertad (1875-1907); Anarchy , March 1, 1906

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