Exposure colonial
ring in the nose of the Catholic religion
The hosts of National Defence
fetish fetishes we burn you if you do
thumbed their noses at men covered with swords and gilt
and contempt for judges in exercising their functions
ring in the nose of the Third Republic
childbirth should be compulsory
soldiers in the Fatherland
The Colonial Exhibition
Fins pale morning on the Islands Happy
fins pale palms of women of color
palm oils that calm seas on a corvette not
charms of scenery in plunder distant Edenic
New Indies for insatiability of Indre-et-Loire
New Indies to the perversities of the Collector and
Zion Missionary cultivates sugarcane
while the negro Diagne high in view the dignity Ministerial
manages admirably
murderers massacred under the tricolor Cock O
Venice Othello night no more black
today despite modern illuminations
The executioners decked
inaugural talk of the sky the size of France and herds of elephants
vessels from prison rickshaws
rice where water sings workers complexion gold
benefits reserved for committed volunteers from the Marine Corps
the ideal landscape of Halong Bay
the loyalty of the native population Chandernagore
Sun sun beyond the seas you angélises
beard excremental Governing
Sun coral Ebony
Sun slaves numbered
nude sun sun sun opium flogging
Sun of fireworks in honor of the storming of the Bastille
Above Cayenne a July 14
it rains it pours on the Colonial Exhibition
Louis Aragon , From March to Vincennes , in persecuted persecutor , 1931
D years this family of colonizers, what is the role of France? This exhibition tells. At
us French, it gives a great pride in showing us the result of three centuries of effort.
us French, it gives a great pride in showing us the result of three centuries of effort.
French is the colonial vocation. This is not the smallness of its territory, nor the religious struggles that have driven, it is the sense of adventure, discovery, curiosity is sympathetic to the new races. Why this sympathy, able to reconcile them? Because France is a crossroads between the Mediterranean and the Nordic world, because the French are not a race but a nation. Therefore, they do not speak of race, proud and cruel criterion, unbridgeable gap, but in the name of human civilization and whose gentle nature is universal.
And yet, gentlemen, despite the colonial vocation, popular sentiment has often resisted new businesses. This is an elite among the elite designer, who decides, who hires him. Far away, alone in the bush, officers, directors, pioneers, often unsung, sometimes disowned, have taken initiatives, responsibilities, risks. In Paris, the statesmen, the great Republican who founded both a regime, empire, le Tunisien Ferry, Ferry le Tonkinese, were able to brave unpopularity Street and assemblies. Today in the development of the empire they gave us, the crowd turns to the dead with humility!
Again, gentlemen, was there at this popular error, an excuse. Many thought that extending the time France was the dilute, weaken, making it less able to ward off ever-threatening danger. But experience has made. The Republic, having given France the distant provinces, he has restored its lost provinces 1.
Speech by Paul Reynaud , Colonial Secretary at the opening of the Colonial Exhibition, May 6, 1931.
1. Referring to the recovery of Alsace and Lorraine following the armistice of 11 November 1918.
N e not visit the Colonial Exhibition
" At the eve of 1 May 1931 and two days before the opening of the Colonial Exhibition, the student Indo-Chinese Tao is kidnapped by the French police. Chiappe, to reach it, use the fake and the anonymous letter. One learns, after the necessary time to deal with any unrest, the arrest, given to preventive, is only the prelude of a burr on the Indo-China [1]. The Tao of crime? Being a member of the Communist Party, which is by no means an illegal party in France, and having once allowed to demonstrate outside the Elysee against the execution of forty Annamites. World opinion has moved in vain for the fate of two condemned Sacco and Vanzetti. Tao, left to the arbitrariness of military justice and justice of the mandarins, we have no guarantee for his life. This lovely curtain raiser was the one he had in 1931, exposure of Vincennes.
The idea of colonial plunder (the word was brilliant and barely strong enough), this idea, which dates from the nineteenth century, is among those who did not do their path. We used the money we had too much to send to Africa, Asia, ships, shovels, pickaxes, whereby there is finally out there, what work for hire and this money, we is happy as a gift to the natives. It is natural, it is argued that the work of millions of new slaves gave us heaps of gold that are in reserve in the vaults of the Bank of France. But that forced labor - or free - presides over this exchange monstrous, that men whose morals, what we are trying to learn through stories rarely disinterested men that it is permissible to take less perverted we put it mildly, perhaps enlightened as we do are more about the true purpose of mankind, knowledge, love and human happiness, these men we would not distinguish Does our quality of whites, we say that "men of color," we men without color, have been kept by the sheer power of European metallurgy in 1914, to have burst the skin for a very low monument collective - it was indeed, if we mistake not, a French idea, it met a French calculation - this allows us to inaugurate we also in our own way, the Colonial Exhibition and keep all the zealots of that enterprise for raptors. The Lyautey, the Dumesnil, the Duma, which hold the upper hand today in this same France's Moulin Rouge are no longer at a carnival near skeletons. We read a few days ago, in Paris, one non-lacerated in which Jacques Doriot was presented as responsible for the massacres of Indo-China. Not
The dogma of the integrity of national territory claimed to give a moral justification for these killings, is based on a pun insufficient to forget that it is not a week where no one kills the colonies. The presence on stage opening of the Exposition Coloniale the President of the Republic, the Emperor of Annam, the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris and several governors and soldiers, facing the flag missionaries, and those of Citroën Renault, expresses clearly the complicity of the whole bourgeoisie in the birth of the new concept and particularly intolerable: "Greater France". Is to implement this concept scam that has been built pavilions of the Exhibition of Vincennes. This is to give citizens of the metropolitan consciousness owners that they need to hear without flinching the distant echo of gunfire. It is appended to the end landscape of France, already evident before the war by a song-bamboo hut on a perspective of minarets and pagodas. By the way, was not forgotten the great recruiting poster of the colonial army: an easy life, black women with big tits, the NCO very elegant in his linen suit walks in a rickshaw drawn by the man of the country - adventure advancement.
Nothing is also made to advertising: a native sovereign in person will beat the drum at the door of the palace in cardboard. The fair is international, and that is how the colonial experience, is like saying the European opening, becomes fact. No offense to the scandalous Socialist Party and the Jesuit League of Human Rights, it would be a little stronger than we could distinguish between good and bad way to colonize. The pioneers of the national defense system capitalist, the filthy Boncour in mind, can be proud of Luna Park in Vincennes. All those who refuse to ever be the defenders of the nations will oppose bourgeois taste of the holidays and operating the attitude of Lenin, the first at the beginning of this century, acknowledged in Colonial's allies world proletariat.
speeches and executions, respond by demanding the immediate evacuation of settlements and the indictment of the generals and officials responsible for massacres of Annam, Lebanon, Morocco and Central Africa. "
Signatories: André Breton
, Paul Eluard, Benjamin Peret, Georges Sadoul, Louis Aragon, René Char, Yves Tanguy, Pierre Unik, André Thirion, Rene Crevel, Maxime Alexandre, George Malkin.
1. We felt obliged to refuse, for this manifesto, signatures
our foreign comrades
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