Corps boned seventeenth century
Scene first
Sganarelle Gusman.
Sganarelle , holding a snuffbox.
Q UOI can say that Aristotle and the philosophy, there is nothing equal to tobacco: the passion of honest men, and who lives without tobacco does not deserve to live. He not only welcomes and purging human brains, but he hears souls to virtue, and it teaches him to become an honest man. Do you not see well, once one takes, how we use obliging with everyone, and as we are happy to give right and left, wherever it is? We do not wait even one demand, and we ran to meet the wish of the people: for it is true that tobacco inspires feelings of honor and virtue to all those who take. But enough of this material. Let our discourse a bit. So, dear Gusman, that Done Elvire, your mistress, surprise of our departure, was setting campaign after us, and his heart, that my master has touched too much, could not live, you say, without the pick here. Do you want me to tell you that between us I think? I fear it is poorly paid for his love, his trip to this city produces little fruit, and you would have won as many do move away.
And the reason again? Tell me, I pray thee, Sganarelle, which can inspire your fear of a bad omen? Your master did he open his heart on it, and did he say that for we had a cold that had forced him to leave?
Not but, in view of the country, I know about the train of things, and without me even say anything, I would wager that almost the case goes there. I might be wrong, but finally, on such subjects, the experience could give me some lights.
What? This departure would be a little under infidelity of Don Juan? It could this injury to the chaste light of Done Elvire?
No, he is still young, and he lacks the courage ...
A man of his quality would make a Action so cowardly?
Yes, its quality! The reason is beautiful and that is where we help things ...
But saints nodes reflect the commitment of marriage.
Hey! Gusman my poor, dear, you do not know yet, believe me, what man is Don Juan.
I do not know the truth, what man can be, whether we made this treachery, and I do not understand as much love and after testified so impatient, so pressing tributes, greeting, sighs and tears, so many passionate letters, protests and burning of repeated oaths, both transport and finally as of outbursts he did appear, forcing up in his passion, the sacred barrier of a convent, Done Elvire to put in his power, I do not understand, I say, like, after all this it would have the heart to break his word.

American medical corset, v. 1890
I have no great difficulty in understanding me, and if you knew the pilgrim, you would find something easy enough for him. I'm not saying he changed feelings for Done Elvire, I have not yet certainty: you know, by his order, I went before him and since his arrival he met me no, but as a precaution, I teach you, our cross, you see in Don Juan, my master, the greatest villain that ever walked the earth, a rabid dog, a devil, a Turk, a heretic who believes neither Heaven nor Hell, no werewolf, that passes in real life this beast in pig of Epicurus, in real Sardanapalus, who closes his ear to all remonstrances Christian that he can do, and discusses nonsense what we believe. You say he married your mistress, think he would have done more for his passion, and with her he would still marry you, his dog and his cat. A wedding costs him nothing to contract; it uses no other traps to catch the beautiful, and it is a suitor to all hands. Lady, lady, bourgeois, peasant, he found nothing too hot nor too cold for him and if I told you the names of all those he espoused in various places, it would be a chapter unto the last evening. You remain surprised and change color at this speech; This is just a rough character, and to complete the portrait should be many more brush strokes. Just need the wrath of Heaven overwhelms some day that I would be much better to be the devil to be his, and that makes me see so much horror, I wish he was already I do not know where. But a nobleman bad man is a terrible thing, I must be faithful to him, despite whether I have: the fear in me that the Office of zeal, clamp my feelings, and reduces me to applaud often that my soul hates. Here he comes walking in the palace, let us part. Listen at least I made you this confidence, frankly, it left me a little too quickly from the mouth, but it was something he came to his ears, I would say openly that you would have lied.

Bustier - M arcel Rochas, 1945
Scene 2
Dom Juan, Sganarelle.
Dom Juan
What man spoke to you there? It has air, I think, good Gusman of Done Elvire.
is also something about that.
Dom Juan
What? is he?
Dom Juan
And since when is it in this city?
From yesterday evening.
Dom Juan
And what about the leads?
I think you feel that this is quite worrying.
Dom Juan
Our departure no doubt?
The good man is mortified, and asked me the topic.
Dom Juan
And What response have you done?
Whether you had not said anything to me.
Dom Juan
But still, what is your thought on that? What do you imagine this case?
Me, I think, without making you wrong, you have a new love in mind.
Dom Juan
You think?
Dom Juan
My faith! you not mistaken, and I must confess that another object was removed from my mind Elvira.
Oh my God! I know my Don Juan on the fingertip, and know your heart for the greatest rider in the world: he likes to wander from link to link, and do not like to remain in place.
Dom Juan
And do not you think, tell me, I'm right to use that?
Hey! Sir.
Dom Juan
What? Speaks.
Certainly you're right, if you want, you can not go there cons. But if you do not want, it might be another matter.
Dom Juan
Well! I give you the freedom to speak and tell me your feelings.
In this case, Sir, I tell you frankly that I do not approve of your method, and that I find very ugly to love on all sides as you do.
Dom Juan
What? you want us to remain bound to the first object that catches us, we renounce the world for him, and we had no eyes for anyone? The beautiful thing to want to inject a false distinction of being faithful to be buried forever in a passion, and be dead from his youth all the other beauties that we can strike the eyes! No, no; consistency is only good for the ridiculous, and all have good right to charm us, and the advantage of being first met must not shirk the others just claim they were all on our hearts. For me, beauty delights me wherever I find it, and I yield easily to the gentle violence that takes us. I'm engaged, my love for a beautiful binds my soul to do injustice to others, I keep eyes to see the merit of all, and give each the homage and tributes where nature compels us. Anyway Regardless, I can not refuse my heart to all that I see kind, and when a beautiful face asks me if I had ten thousand, I would give them all. Inclinations ups, after all, have inexplicable charms, and all the pleasure of love is in change. It tastes extremely gentle to reduce, by one hundred tributes, the heart of a young beauty, to see every day the little progress they are doing to address it through transport, through tears and sighs, the innocent modesty of a soul that is hard to surrender, forcing the foot to foot all the little resistors it divides us, to overcome the scruples which she is an honor and gently lead where we want to bring her. But when it is master once, there is nothing more to say and nothing to be desired; all the thought of passion is over, and we fall asleep in the quiet of such love, if any new object not just awaken our desires, our heart and make them attractive charms of a conquest to make. Finally there is nothing so sweet as to triumph over the resistance of a beautiful person, and I have on this subject the ambition of conquerors, who constantly steal victory in victory, and can not bring themselves to confine their wishes. There is nothing that can stop the impetuosity of my desires: I feel a heart to love the earth, and like Alexander, I wish there were other worlds, to be able to extend my conquests love.

Virtue of my life, as you flow! It appears that you have learned it by heart, and you talk like a book.
Dom Juan
Why do you say that?
My faith! I have to say ... I do not know, because you turn things in a way, it looks like you're right, and yet it is true that you did not. I had the most beautiful thoughts of the world and your words to me all fuzzy. Laissez faire: Another time I put my arguments in writing, to dispute with you.
Dom Juan
You will do well.
But, Sir, would it be the permission you have given me, if I told you I'm so little shocked the life you lead?
Dom Juan
How? What life do I lead?
Fort good. But, for example, to see you every month to get married as you do ...
Dom Juan
Is there anything better?
It is true, I understand that it is very pleasant and entertaining, and I furnished myself enough, I think if there was no harm, but, sir, are playing well a sacred mystery, and ...
Dom Juan
Go, go, it's between me and heaven, and we disentangle well together, without thy put him in trouble .
My faith! Sir, I have always heard that it's a bad joke that is ridicule of Heaven, and that the libertines are never a good end.
Dom Juan
Hola! master fool, you know I told you I do not like the makers of remonstrance.
I'm not talking to you also, God forbid. You know what you do, you, and if you believe nothing, you have your reasons, but there are some small irrelevant in the world who are libertines without knowing why, who are strong-minded, because that they believe it suits them well, and if I had a master like this, I would say very clearly, looking in the face: "How dare you well and you play in heaven, and do you not tremble to laugh as you make the most sacred things? It's good to you, little worm, small Mirmidon you are (I mean what I said to the master), it is up to you to want to meddle around in jest that all men revere ? Do you think that to be quality to get a blonde wig and curly, feathers on your hat, a golden coat, and flame-colored ribbons (not that I speak to you, it is the other), do you, I say, that you're more astute than any you may be allowed, and we dare you tell your truths? Learn from me who am your servant, that Heaven punishes the wicked, sooner or later, a wicked life leads to a nasty death, and that ... "
Dom Juan
What are we talking about?
Dom Juan
It is about to tell you that beauty I feel at heart, and entailed by her charms, I followed her till in the city.

And do you fear nothing, sir, the death of the commander that you should kill six months ago?
Dom Juan
And why worry? Did I not killed?
Well, the best in the world, and it would be wrong to complain.
Dom Juan
I had my thanks for this case.
Yes, but this does not extinguish with perhaps resentment of parents and friends, and ...
Dom Juan
Ah! Let us not think of the evil that we can get, and thinking only about what we can give pleasure. The person I'm talking to you is a bride, the nicer the world, which was brought here by the same that she has married, and gave me the chance to see this pair of lovers three or four days before their trip. I never saw two people be so pleased with each other and burst more love. Tenderness seen their mutual passions gave me the emotion I was struck to the heart and began my love by jealousy. Yes, I could not endure to see them first so well together, despite the alarmed my desires, and I imagined an extreme pleasure to be able to disturb their minds and break that commitment, which the delicacy of my heart stood offended ; but hitherto my efforts were useless, and I use the last remedy. The husband claimed his mistress must now enjoy a walk on the sea Without saying anything thee, all things are prepared to meet my love and I have a small boat and people, with which I very easily pretend remove fine.
Ha! Sir ...
Dom Juan
is very well done to you, and you get it right. Nothing in this world than to content.
Dom Juan
Get ready therefore come with me, and take care of yourself to make all my weapons, so ... Oh! unfortunate encounter. Traitor, you never told me she was here herself.
Sir, you have not asked me.
Dom Juan
Is it crazy not to have changed clothes, and come into this place with its crew of campaign?
Scene 3
Done Elvire, Don Juan, Sganarelle.
Done Elvire
Will you do me grace, Dom Juan, "as to recognize me? and can I at least hope that you deign to turn his face on that side?
Dom Juan
Madam, I confess I am surprised, and I do not expect you here.
Done Elvire
Yes, I see you're not expecting it and you're surprised, indeed, but quite otherwise than I expected, and how you seem fully convinced me that I refused to believe. I admire my simplicity and weakness of my heart to doubt that as a betrayal of my appearances confirmed. I was pretty good, I confess, or rather silly enough to want me deceive myself, and work to deny me and my decision. I looked for reasons to excuse my tenderness release of friendship she saw in you and I forged hundred subjects express a legitimate precipitate departure, for you to prove the crime of which accused you my reason. I just had great suspicion every day to speak to me I was rejecting the voice that you made criminal in my eyes and listened with pleasure a thousand chimeras ridiculous that you painted in my innocent heart. But after this first no longer allows me to doubt, and the look that tells me I received a lot more than I would like to know. I'm glad to hear though your mouth the reasons for your departure. Talk, Dom Juan, I beg you, and seeing you know how you justify air.
Dom Juan
Madam, this Sganarelle who knows why I left.
Me, sir? I do not know, please.
Done Well! Sganarelle, speak. No matter how mouth I hear those reasons.
Dom Juan , being beckoned to Sganarelle.
Come, speak to Madame.
What do you want me to say?
Done Elvire
near, since the well wishes, and tell me a bit causes a prompt departure.
Photo: Wilfredo Rodriguez
Dom Juan
You will not answer?
I have nothing to say. You mock your servant.
Dom Juan
Will you answer, I tell you?
Madam ...
Done Elvire
Sganarelle , turning to his master.
Sir ...
Dom Juan
If ...
Madam, conquerors, Alexander and the other worlds are the causes of our departure. That, Sir, all I can say.
Done Elvire
your pleasure, Dom Juan, we clarify these beautiful mysteries?
Dom Juan
Madam, to tell you the truth ...
Done Elvire
Ah! you know you wrong for defending a courtier, and must be accustomed to these kinds of things! I pity you see the confusion you have. What do you arm yourself with a noble forehead effrontery? What do you swear that you are always in the same feelings for me, that you still love me with a zeal unmatched, and that nothing can detach yourself from me than death? What did I tell you that cases of the last result you have forced me to leave without giving notice, it is necessary that, in spite of you, you live here a while, and I have only 'm back where I come from, provided that you follow my steps as soon as you can, it is certain that you burn to join me, and aloof from me, what you have suffered a body that is separated from his soul? That is as it should defend yourself and not be banned as you are.
Dom Juan
I confess, Madam, I have no talent for disguise, and I wear a sincere heart. I will not tell you that I'm always in the same feelings for you, and I long to join you, since after all it is ensured that I went away for you, not by the reasons you can imagine but by a pure conscience sake, and for not believing you more than I can live without sin. It came scruples, Madam, and I opened my eyes to the soul what I was doing. I did think that to marry you, I've stolen from the closure of a convent, that you broke the vows that you would engage the other, and that Heaven is very jealous of these things. Repentance took me, and I feared the wrath of heaven, and I thought our marriage was a disguised adultery, we would attract a disgrace to the top, and finally I had to try to forget you, and you give way to return to your first chains. Would you, Madam, oppose such a holy thought, and I went, keeping you in, put me on Heaven's arms, as ...?
Done Elvire
Ah! villain, now I know you whole, and unfortunately for me, I'll know when it is too late, and that such knowledge can not serve me well as I despair. But know that your crime will not remain unpunished, and that the same heaven that you mock will avenge me of your perfidy.
Dom Juan
Sganarelle, Heaven!
Truly yes, we do not care much about that, you know.
Dom Juan
Madam ...
Done Elvire
Just. I do not want to hear more, and I even accused me of having heard too much. It is a cowardice to be told too much shame and, on such subjects, a noble heart, the first word, must take his party. Do not wait till I bust here in reproaches and insults: no, no, I have no one to vent anger in empty words, and all its heat reserves for his revenge. I'll say it again, Heaven will punish you, perfidious, the outrage you do to me, and if Heaven has nothing that you can understand, at least captures the anger of an injured woman.
If remorse he could take!
Don Juan, after a little reflection.
Come to think of the performance of our business love.
Ah! How abominable master I see myself obliged to serve!

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), Dom Juan (1665)
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