Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Palmers Cocoa Butter On Face For Scars

Discover Why

We are writing from Sapir, a small oasis of palm trees and bougainvillea in the Arava desert, partie orientale du Néguev, au Sud d'IsraEl, entre la Mer Morte et Eilat. Loin de l'agitation des villes, il ne règne ici que calme et amitié:

Ishshum desert willow flourish Cracker Utgal lily:

Ils se réjouiront, le désert et la terre aride ,

The Arava will rejoice

And blossom like the amaryllis. (Isaiah 35: 1)

Welcome to Sapir in our air-conditioned rooms: just immerse yourself in the Hebrew Bible in their original or near the lake in our palm, in the pool (from June and September), discover the Negev Desert, Qumran, Ein Gedi, Masada, Mizpah Ramon-

... Come as you wish to share our dinner table full board or half board, or just book your room, or even just your place in a tent or sukkah. We put at your disposal a large terrace and lawns, a kitchen equipped with refrigerator, showers and toilets, possibly camping equipment on loan. Ask for a quote and contact us to elisrael777@gmail.com and elisrael@arava.co.il

First make a small tour by clicking on the album: http : / / picasaweb.google.com / michaelola /

Also share our thoughts, in light of the Hebrew Bible: Why

  • Hebrew written without vowels?
  • Courage Israel (Psalm 83): Who are today Edom and Amalek?
  • How 'H anoucca ( inauguration of the House of Gd ) David speaks in Psalm 30?

Monday, January 1, 2007

Male Peeing Frequently

elisrael.blogspot.com in Hebrew is written without vowels

The message of the Bible Hebrew arriving directly from Israel

Reflections and contact:

elisrael@arava.co . it

When you read French, it is rare that you need to decipher consonants and vowels, with the exception of new words or foreign names. When we say that a child can read, it decrypts it more. A driving force, it recognizes words such as sailboats, their rigging, according to the comparison of Alain in his remarks on education. You learn to speak by the age of one year, then write to the age of five, once well into the oral and auditory learning your mother tongue. This is the explanation first level of the lack of Hebrew vowels: it must respect the natural stages. Why would you know to read - read pronounce Hebrew without vowels - before we understand and know about?

But it is the lack of vowels in Hebrew another deeper reason : If God tells His word in a text consisting only of consonants, it is to emphasize the need not read it with his people Israel .

V or sp or v and zc the en and rs I ls l ' i m the g and : l and sc o ns o nn e s.

Oh pardon. I repeat:

You can only capture the image: the consonants.

But if you want sound, you need the Jew who will give you the vowels.

These "vowel" which are not part of the Hebrew text have symbolic value. They point out the need not read the text in its context. That is the problem of Christianity.

After Rome had destroyed the Judean kingdom 19 centuries ago, the Hebrew message of Jesus, as his friends called him Rabbi Yéchou'â, was no longer interpreted in the context of the Greco-Roman thought. It was then mixed with elements borrowed from Greek philosophy (as opposed idea / matter, Logos) and the cult of Mithra (compare to biblical holidays Christian holidays).

Times change, and many Christian readers of the Hebrew Bible today want replace the text in its original context, and live as brothers with whom the Father of all human beings as this Pharaoh its eldest son, Israel (Chemother / Exodus 4: 22). The older brother can p HARING bread at the family table .

It is true that what God asked Abraham is demanding: Pars for you (and / or: to you), your country, your birthplace and your father's house, unto a land that I will show you. (Béréchith / Genesis 12).

Commitment son and daughter of Abraham is not only ideological (yes the true God / no idols), but also cultural : and that's where the rub, because anti-Semitism is alive. It is permissible to Frenchify, Americanize, least of Judaizing.

dualism idea / matter, the philosophy of the Greeks entered Judaism in Philo of Alexandria before moving to King in Western Christianity. The commitment to the true God alone has been described as spiritual, while all the cultural and linguistic text, the context that the door and says, have been accused of carnal and nationalist. We separated the soul from the body: the definition of murder.

Yet BEFORE confess Your Gd is my Gd (at present in the original), Ruth agrees FIRST physically: Your people are my people . And much more: his filial love for Na'ômi, she warns that she will accompany him everywhere.

Avraham charge of the message of the one true God, Ruth an ancestor of King David, are not disembodied beings. The Word of God became flesh, and flesh precisely Hebrew and Jewish .

Similarly, you can not get into the book without also into the people, the mentality of its language. It would never occur to the mind of any English student magnet Shakespeare never read in English. Working together that you love this Bible is not Shakespeare in English .

The Word of God is written from the beginning on a roll. Let's open it together: what perfectly able to read inside the roll. Soon you will say: How could I leave it to lick the bark, when he had the juice to taste?

This article is from our little books that you can get by sending a message to elisrael@arava.co.il

Capillaries On My Legs

The invention of alphabetic writing

The invention of alphabetic writing
coincides with the prohibition images

The Greek alphabet, whence the Latin alphabet, its origins in the Phoenician sailors. Thus we have long believed that the invention came from Lebanon until the archaeologist deciphers FWM Petrie in 1905 in emerald mines of Serabit el-Khadem in Sinai, the first inscriptions aleph-Betic , dated 35 centuries ago, we named proto-Sinaitic . These inscriptions are in Hebrew. Is this a coincidence?

The man had started to write by drawing - in a manner agreed - objects and signs of less figurative. Such an agreement communication are thousands of signs, and requires imagination when it comes to drawing ideas . Skip to stage even less figurative and more abstract, leaving behind such systems (Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerian cuneiform, Chinese ideograms) is lighten a heavy learning. But we must look at this revolution reasons other than laziness. Prefer the lazy usually its inertia and routine, an intellectual revolution.

We can ask ourselves:

1. What could have grown emerald miners, not intellectuals, to be without the services of a public writer expert in hieroglyphics?

2. Why did they prefer to make drawings of objects counted at extreme, the model began with a certain sound, to forge consonants, and so will write and describe things, not just as they conceived, but as they heard them?

3. What historical event could be quite decisive, which text has been written enough capital and especially for a people to a new era of communication by not "shape the images of things that are in heaven on earth or under the earth "?

This event is the giving of the Torah in Chemother / Exodus 20: 4 (the second of the Ten Words [1] ) prohibits absolutely any image, for the first worship in spirit and in truth.

Who is the author of the new writing system? Some scribes also brilliant and unknown?

No, the author refers to Himself: "Writing is writing Gd [2] .

Location (Sinai), time (35 centuries ago), motivation (anti-images), everything leads us directly to the writing of the Torah, the first important text for Humanity .

This article is drawn from our study, "Teach us to number our days", contact us by e-mail elisrael@arava.co.il

[1] In Hebrew "the Ten Words," and not "the Ten Commandments," as it is there, as throughout the Torah, the context of declarations enshrining commandments.

[2] categorical than this in the text Chemother / Exodus 32: 16.