At each generation, each must be considered as oneself out of Egypt says the Haggadah (the story) of Passover. It gives us the Seder (order) of the meal of unleavened bread, bread accompanies misery evoking bitter herbs of slavery and grief for our little boys.
At each generation, each must be considered as oneself out of Egypt says the Haggadah (the story) of Passover. It gives us the Seder (order) of the meal of unleavened bread, bread accompanies misery evoking bitter herbs of slavery and grief for our little boys.
But in same time party, and we also have an obligation to drink four cups of wine in reference to the four stages of liberation, which in turn announced by four words (Exodus 6: 6-7) of Hashem YHWH '(= the name above every name):
• Also, tell the children of Israel: I am Hashem YHWH ' VEHOTSETI I'll out from under the burdens of Egypt,
• VEHITSALTI I will deliver you from their work ,
• VEGAALTI Goel I will be your outstretched arm and with great judgments,
• VELAQA'HTI I will take you for Me as a people, I will be your God: you shall know that I am Hashem YHWH, your God, who do you go out (here, the verb present) from under the burdens of Egypt.
1) I will out from under the burdens of Egypt. We are so accustomed that the temptation to return back often. It is more difficult to leave the Egypt of the Hebrews, the Hebrews from Egypt.
2) I will deliver you . These are not our efforts in some Liberation Organization whom we have meet the Gd of Moche. He alone.
3) I will be your Goel. Untranslatable term that dates from a time when there was no social security or judicial system. Formerly, Goel would buy the estate sold by a relative ruin (Leviticus 25: 49), securing the future of the widow of his brother died childless (Deuteronomy 25: 5, cf. Ruth) liberate its parent kidnaps (cf. Loth), execute the murderer of her parent (Numbers 35: 19). Ideally, a Goel is a big brother. No human has moved well in Egypt. It took intervention of ... Heavenly Father, Hashem '.
4) I will take you : as one tears a child from the middle of traffic in the street. We are so passive that God takes us as a people, we, no country and no other injuries as national heritage of freed slaves and memories of ancestors nomads. Our identity, cohesion, the Israel's eternal future is only in Him alone. El means God. Isra without El IsraRIEN, it is nothing, so is it the Jew without his God ...
But Rabbi Tarphon comment then a 5th verb :
5) VEHEVETI I'll come in the country ... I am Hashem YHWH '.
Unlike the first four verbs which express the will of God in our exodus from Egypt The fifth involves our participation in our entry into the promised land. It takes a child, but it's a consenting adult and a responsible one does come. Everything is in the hands of Heaven except fear of Heaven say our sages. The generation leaving Egypt died in the desert, Joshua and Caleb EXCEPT the only beneficiaries of the 5th word.
Unlike the first four verbs which express the will of God in our exodus from Egypt The fifth involves our participation in our entry into the promised land. It takes a child, but it's a consenting adult and a responsible one does come. Everything is in the hands of Heaven except fear of Heaven say our sages. The generation leaving Egypt died in the desert, Joshua and Caleb EXCEPT the only beneficiaries of the 5th word.
This is the fifth word in perfect continuity logical Hashem 'promises to Abraham, 400 years before Moche, He will lead us out from slavery in Egypt, •
not for us then scattered between America and Australia to do what we like, or even to practice Judaism 2 : indeed, its provisions are concrete applicable in Israel, the Land of the Alliance •
but that we were in space particular He to define - the smallness of the country and opposition to it does not appeal to you? - a company laboratory operated by the ethics of its creator, model all other human societies.
not for us then scattered between America and Australia to do what we like, or even to practice Judaism 2 : indeed, its provisions are concrete applicable in Israel, the Land of the Alliance •
but that we were in space particular He to define - the smallness of the country and opposition to it does not appeal to you? - a company laboratory operated by the ethics of its creator, model all other human societies.
as a prophetic sign of the tense fifth I'll come , the Rabbi of a 2000 years demand to prepare a fifth cup, cup of Elijah ... Appointee that the other sages of the Mishna does not order drink. Once completed, it remains waiting on tables. In fact, drinking this cup is to proclaim that Hashem, we brought in his country and that we begin to apply the divine plan. This old debate evolves according to the position of those Jews who really want to revive Israel as a nation of the Alliance of Hashem, in his country.
The War of resurrection in 1948, which is green and desert blooms, the other Six-Day War of 1967 Yom Kippur in 1973, the release of hostages at Entebbe in 1976, the destruction of the French nuclear plant in Iraq in 1981, the return announcement of the exiles of the North (Russia) and south (Ethiopia) we do experience moments heroic and miraculous.
They we refresh the periods where we mourn our infidelity, materialism of the consumer society, lack of vision. We want to appoint these brief but exciting moments of parentheses Davidic . After being the first to blow the shofar at the Western Wall in 1967, General Shlomo Goren, Chief Rabbi of the IDF and parachutist, believed to drink the fifth cup. The war in Gaza last month was one of those brackets Davids. It was very different from that experienced so badly against the Lebanese Hezbollah only two years ago. You have to live here during the periods of war and those more fortunate prophetic fulfillment to feel the burning soul of the people.
parentheses Davidic Why talk? This is because the current era brings us to evoke two kings of Israel, Saul and David . David makes reference al'Oint Hashem '(Messiah). Saul is also the David and respected as such. What will happen to Saul? What does David? He prepared, he is reserved . Here we have a direction and a program.
The prophet Samuel tells how, at the request of the people to have a king as have all people (1 Samuel 8: 5), God called and anointed (10: 1) as King Saul, (whose real name Chaoul = request). And then how the king loses his kingdom .
It begins to disobey the prophet (13: 9) and Amalek savings despite the divine order (15: 9). Then he persecuted the hero of David's army, which he is jealous, exterminate the entire city of Nob (22: 17) because it has not denounced David fled.
They say since that time: He who acts with compassion for the cruel will end up being cruel against a people full of compassion.
the eve of the battle of Gilboa (1 Samuel 28), Shaul consults a witch and loses the battle when his army is destroyed. His son Jonathan, David's friend is killed, and he committed suicide.
David's cries and execute a descendant of Amalek who had completed Shaul (2 Samuel 1: 16).
Battlefield Gilboa we intend to have on in verses 6 and 7 of Daniel 12: Until when (will wait until) the end of these extraordinary events? ... When the power of the holy people will be completely shattered 3 , all these events fulfilled.
Since the Oslo peace treaty signed in 1993 with an enemy whose agenda has nothing to envy to the Nazis 4 , Shaul the regime is willing to share our 27 000 remaining 5 km2 with militia leaders that engulf the European funds, American and Israeli same, not for the welfare of their brothers, but to form one generation to hate Jews and Westerners .
Our God has given us a roadmap (Jeremiah 12: 14-17): So
Hashem said 'My bad neighbors on all who attempt to inherit as a possession I have given my people, Israel, behold, I will uproot them from their country, and rescued the middle them the house of Judah. Having thus uprooted, I will come back to them with pity, and bring them each in their heritage, in their respective countries. If they learn My habits of people swear by My Name 'live Hashem "!" when they were accustomed My people swear by Baal, they will be established firmly in the middle My people. But if they refuse to obey, I uproot these people, I will uproot them and perish, "said Hashem."
Instead, our current regime Shaul accepts the thesis Arabic - and since the foundation of European Eurabia 6 - thesis universally adopted, finally, that peace world depends on a small foreign body in the Muslim Middle East . We must exchange the territories against peace. Islam does not deny that this is the plan in stages to peace of the cemetery or slavery . Taken from Jews and Western Jews cultivate the illusion that an improvement in living standards of Muslims can lead them back to better sentiments. However, this only holds anywhere. Jihad recruits its leaders also among the educated and rich. Instead, it is pure contempt towards religious people think that blunt their religious beliefs thanks to economic benefits. This reasoning is typically Marxist.
Peace can not exchange that ... against the peace . Conversely, a temporary truce (hudna) - where the rockets are still launched - is a factor of war. It is not - it's also officially a concept known in Islam 7 - has reconstituted forces until the next round.
No two Islams , a radical terrorist, that call Islam by pacifists opposed to a peaceful Islam. The preaching of Muhammad just sort of a period of lethargy, and Islam returns to its source .
financial power came from oil, and pacifism Belant of Europe gives it the means of trying to convert or submit (like dhimmis) worldwide. Allie Nazism during WW2, and then manipulated by the KGB during the Cold War, it represents today, according to the Torah, the implacable spirit of Amalek 8 its extreme violence and irrational.
King Shaul goes crazy, and our current regime Shaul much tolerance towards Amalek it is cruel to its own civilians.
By blind desire of appeasement, he multiplies gestures, as he says, and as Europe, America and its own mentality without Gd him suggest.
- He retired (Ehud Barak) of south of Lebanon on the night of May 23, 2000 by abandoning our Christian allies in Lebanon.
- Hezbollah the opportunity to store rockets and shoot us.
- It expels (Sharon and Olmert) of their farms 8000 patriots from Gaza and Samaria and then staying in barracks , dragging on their resettlement.
- Same , Hamas took the opportunity to store rockets and shoot us.
- It frees hundreds of murderers alive and unrepentant recidivists, in exchange for two dead bodies of our kidnapped soldiers.
- He entrusts the control of the Gaza border al'Egypte 9.
- He abandoned for 8 years the people of Sderot and the Gaza periphery. They have 15 seconds to take shelter from rocket attacks, Hamas.
- Finally, it stops the destruction Hamas in Gaza, leaving him declare victory and sequester Gilad Shalit , detained for over two years without new or visits.
He is afraid, not terrorists, but to displease al'opinion International. It displeases already.
As Shaul who was afraid when he saw the divine power, our Torah leaders without fear of displeasing the Western peace officers in the process of Islamization. They are afraid of being alone against the world. is already the case .
Israel is alone, but if she assumes she will be alone with Gd. Would what human vision, it is better to be alone with your eyes open, that being in a group and move 10 to the precipice eyes closed.
Our current leaders lack vision. Our religion is too often absorbed by their nitpicky to inspire them. Policy 11 unfortunately imposed al'Histoire. We are ashamed of the lowering of the pitiful small political oligarchy and Media who raided Israel.
It is easy to measure the gap between the ambitions of dictators hallucinate benefits that seek to show them the negotiators followers of Mr. Chamberlain. Neither he nor Daladier did wrong Hitler. They offered him Czechoslovakia. He has not waived carve a Nazi empire across the West. It will fool no more the Islamists of Hamas in bin Laden through Iran, by offering a mini Palestinian state. They say they want and proclaim the caliphate of Islam world and covering the planet.
The only thing that will stop these fanatics a failure is concrete enough to open their eyes. Germany was the empire of the West and Japan, the Eastern Empire. They have suffered a catastrophic defeat. The defeat has led them to constructive ambitions. The Islamists, Iran and Syria have not yet experienced the defeat saving which would channel their energies into more worthwhile purposes.
the eve of elections, the government sought to limit Chaoul to tumble in the polls. In fact, it took note of the declaration, reckless this time, Hamas not to renew the truce. Shaul David has sent Gaza. The little David we were pleased .
The first day of fighting, the spokesman of the army said on television that all citizens of Israel were united in prayer for salvation our soldiers. This was not the usual official language. These words expressed the intimate reality of the country in this grave hour.
All the newspapers published the picture of IDF fighters praying with tephilin ' 12, before going into battle. They narrating the emotion of youth receiving the blessing in a stadium, the sound of the shofar. It was collecting them for the talitha 12 they claimed.
Supermarkets shipped directly from their boxes, packages of candy bills to customers at half price for the fighters in the hell of Gaza. Each family was concerned. Our youth returned a few hours to shower and they left without speaking, and the younger brother of Ola and his comrades for whom we pray.
Many, distant from the Torah, have rediscovered the Book of Psalms and prayer, on the occasion of this war. They understood they were fighting against an enemy who relies on him as a god, even if it is an idol of death and madness. They suddenly rediscovering, in the midst of war, their vocation and their identity deep, why they lived and had to fight.
David wrote as follows (Psalm 27: 12), which takes effect today Again: False witnesses have risen against me, and people who breathe 'HAMAS . (In Hebrew, said violence, Hamas).
Beautiful souls, false witnesses 'Hamas accuse us of disproportionate response. For us, want to live is not disproportionate . Equity is not in the comparison of numbers of victims, but in the neutralization of the executioners. In addition, people who voted Hamas is not innocent. The fight against unemployment can justify Hitler .
But lying is part of Islam: the numbers of the enemy are rigged, biased Western reporting and human shields job routine. With ligation of Isaac 13 , Hashem has taught Hebrew to renounce human sacrifices, so we have shelters. And in addition, has Ofaqim, the new mayor, a hero of war Yom Kippur, has added a huge pipes 2 m in diameter from place to place in the streets to passersby. This is for natural explanations.
But there is another obvious factor that schools can not study war, as the Six Day War. Just as the Scuds of Saddam Hussein, the rockets from Gaza (8000 since 2001) are lethal (23 dead). But the difference between 8000 and 23 is the number of those that the enemy has failed to adjust, although it is our civilians deliberately. These are the ones that have been diverted in flight . For Who? For our Father !
A story went around this country, after the tsunami of mud European media: several groups of soldiers saw a woman veiled in black in the streets of Gaza. She has addressed them in Hebrew: 'do not enter here, the house is trapped' . She introduced herself as Rachel, saying she protected his children.
Thus saith Hashem ': Let your voice stop moaning and crying your eyes, for there is a salary for your work, "said Hashem, and they return the country to the enemy. Yes, there is hope for your future, "said Hashem ', your son will return to their borders. (Jeremiah 31: 16-17) One of the descendants of Ephraim is Rachel. Ephraim was assimilated into the nations (Hosea 7: 8). Rachel weeping for her children disappeared in exile and assimilation. Hashem 'the console by announcing they will return. Himself awakens the souls of Israel, one by one, from all nations. They cling to the true God and come to claim the inheritance of Ephraim. We come to your meeting.
A parenthesis was Davidic closed after the elections, with the time of the Kingdom of Shaul scheming to form a coalition, unpredictable and unstable.
attempt to evaluate a vote on the existential question: new peace treaties can cons abandon the Golan to Syria, east of Yerouchalaim Judea Samaria and the 2nd a Palestinian Arab state, which make it easier to fire rockets over the whole territory of our thin.
attempt to evaluate a vote on the existential question: new peace treaties can cons abandon the Golan to Syria, east of Yerouchalaim Judea Samaria and the 2nd a Palestinian Arab state, which make it easier to fire rockets over the whole territory of our thin.
This would suicide Shaul , but unfortunately, Yonathan, there would also leave the life.
Y would likely favor : 55 deputies out of 120 or 45.8%. But 65 deputies out of 120, or 54.1% was determined that they would announce save our country .
If the country had voted like Sderot, which has lived for years under fire from Hamas, the current government would have obtained 12% of the vote instead of 34.1%. Our current Shaul was directly supported in its policy of abandonment by three Arab parties.
So we entered this process of peace deals with the 1993 Oslo. They say 'peace' but there is no peace (Jeremiah 6: 14, 8: 11, Ezekiel 13: 10) Since this peace, the Arab attacks have killed 1,500 Jewish civilians. These parties argue Shaul, with support from both Western and Israeli media, hold a monopoly of intelligence and morality. They have become a minority, it is surely because the people are not smart enough and wrong.
Even minority, they may still, because of American and European meddling , manufacture Records slanderous and negotiate in the back of a patriotic government as happened in 1993.
If we want to estimate is where Israel - not the party system but the Jewish people - vis-a-vis the existential question above, let us take the calculation of Knesset Arab parties, who have supported, in time of war, Hamas and Hezbollah in 2006. One of their MPs Azmi Bashara is a fugitive, suspected of spying. The Supreme Court of Shaul had forbidden him removes his pension.
Patriots may outweigh the right of pacifists 60/40. The latter analysis goes in the same sense that a survey in late 2007, which focused on the preference that young people would have in 1948, the eve of independence: what resistance movement would they support?
1. The Haganah, the military organization emanating from the semi-official Jewish Agency, dominated by leftist parties, professing moderation?
2. The Irgun appellant an immediate revolt against the British and to conquer the entire land of Israel?
3. The Stern Gang ready to use the harshest methods to ensure the creation of a Jewish state?
Results are eloquent. 40% of those interviewed chose the Haganah, the Irgun 30% and 30% of the Stern Gang. In other words, the firm line leads by 60% against 40%. Young Israelis are showing patriotism very clear. This is true of secular as religious, youth born in the country as immigrants, as Ashkenazi Sephardi, boys and girls. Vinograd commission, which analyzed the shortcomings of the second Lebanon war in 2006 confirmed that young combatants, they are part of professional units, the quota or reservations, had a driving for above reproach and a high degree of motivation . The problems were al'echelon government and the Military Staff.
Why this return to youth? Their look is new, and blood can not lie to David. It's about our prayer essential. Something new begins at home, the promises of God are irrevocable, and the verses of Zechariah 12 (5-9) challenge us:
ALOUPHEI Yehuda The general 14 of Judah shall say in their heart: 'To me the strength of the inhabitants of Yerouchalaim is Hashem, of the Armies, ELOHEIHEM their God '.
In that day, I will make general of Judah like a fire among the wood lighter, like a flaming torch in the middle of a pile of sheaves, and they devour right and left all the surrounding peoples, and Yerouchalaim REMAIN Yerouchalaim.
But first Hashem 'succor the tents of Judah, that does not rise too the pride of the House of David and of the inhabitant of Yerouchalaim over Judah.
On this day, Hashem, will defend the inhabitants of Yerouchalaim, and most of them will be wavering on that day as David and the House of David will K'ELOHIM as divine beings, as the Messenger of Hashem 'in front of them.
In day, I will endeavor to destroy all the nations which came against Yerouchalaim.
The House of David which tells Zechariah will not come with its 3000 years of genealogies, but with his mind. It is written as David . It is urgent to know Saul and David. Samuel wants to talk about our current leaders and what will follow. The delivery comes Gd. He clothes us in His mind for us to be prepared to receive the Son of David with all His saints (Zechariah 14: 5). He gives us inspiration feeds, like David, with songs of praise and war. Let us prepare to share the new wine of the cup of Elijah.
Your comments or questions:
Your comments or questions:
[1] Of course, the epic of Hebrews is transposed in the current personal situation of each human being, Jew or not.
[2] The Torah Announces Global Alliance, and not a religion, a concept exilic : The Jew must live in the Land of Israel, even in a city whose majority of inhabitants are non-Jews, rather than living outside the Land of Israel, even in a city whose majority of inhabitants are Jews. For he that comes out of the Land of Israel, as if practicing idolatry. (Rambam, Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 5: 12)
[3] The Gemara Sota 49b describes the catastrophic situation in Eretz Israel, just before the Messiah is revealed.
[4] Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Autonomy has supported Moscow in 1982 has a PhD in History at the Jewish genocide denial under Author Yevgueni Primakov then head of the KGB.
[5] On April 24, 1920, the Conference of San Remo levied on the remains of the Turkish Empire and al'Angleterre assigned a territory of 116 000 km2 on both sides of the Jordan in order to found the Home National Jewish. The League of Nations (forerunner of the UN) confirmed in July 1922. England then take unilaterally in three quarters, 89 000 km2, and founded the Emirate of Transjordan, the Arab State of Palestine, but that does not bear this name. Is it fair share of the quarter we have left? See Comfort, comfort my people, No. 1.
[6] has Eurabia was originally the title of a newsletter published by the European Committee of coordination of associations of friendship with countries of the Arab League. It now means the political process leads initially by France since the Six Day War, whose intention was to increase the power of Europe against the United States by aligning its interests with those of Arab and Islamic.
[7] The peace treaty of Hudaybiya, Muhammad concluded that for ten years and rape after two years, has been given in such a Sadat by Islamic University of Cairo in 1977 to allow it to sign peace with Israel.
[8] study in Amalek Teach us to number our days
No. 3 [9] Egypt, so called moderate Arab countries, who signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1978, betrays its commitments, one after the other. The country is poor, the corrupt regime, poorly paid soldiers lack the motivation to prevent the trafficking of all kinds of Bedouins across the vast Sinai (weapons, drugs, prostitutes).
[10] On behalf of Kadima means forward (toward the precipice).
[11] Politics, a Greek word, absent from the Torah, has the same gematria qu'Amaleq)
[12] tallit: Read Numbers 15: 37. Tephilin 'read Deuteronomy. 6: 9
[13] Islam pretend that it is Ishmael who was on the altar (Aid el Adha, Feast of Sacrifice), confirming that he has not grasped the lesson.
[14] General ALOUPH means today. This makes sense in the context of Israel: for the current leaders of the country, Hashem 'is not always their Gd.
[2] The Torah Announces Global Alliance, and not a religion, a concept exilic : The Jew must live in the Land of Israel, even in a city whose majority of inhabitants are non-Jews, rather than living outside the Land of Israel, even in a city whose majority of inhabitants are Jews. For he that comes out of the Land of Israel, as if practicing idolatry. (Rambam, Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 5: 12)
[3] The Gemara Sota 49b describes the catastrophic situation in Eretz Israel, just before the Messiah is revealed.
[4] Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Autonomy has supported Moscow in 1982 has a PhD in History at the Jewish genocide denial under Author Yevgueni Primakov then head of the KGB.
[5] On April 24, 1920, the Conference of San Remo levied on the remains of the Turkish Empire and al'Angleterre assigned a territory of 116 000 km2 on both sides of the Jordan in order to found the Home National Jewish. The League of Nations (forerunner of the UN) confirmed in July 1922. England then take unilaterally in three quarters, 89 000 km2, and founded the Emirate of Transjordan, the Arab State of Palestine, but that does not bear this name. Is it fair share of the quarter we have left? See Comfort, comfort my people, No. 1.
[6] has Eurabia was originally the title of a newsletter published by the European Committee of coordination of associations of friendship with countries of the Arab League. It now means the political process leads initially by France since the Six Day War, whose intention was to increase the power of Europe against the United States by aligning its interests with those of Arab and Islamic.
[7] The peace treaty of Hudaybiya, Muhammad concluded that for ten years and rape after two years, has been given in such a Sadat by Islamic University of Cairo in 1977 to allow it to sign peace with Israel.
[8] study in Amalek Teach us to number our days
No. 3 [9] Egypt, so called moderate Arab countries, who signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1978, betrays its commitments, one after the other. The country is poor, the corrupt regime, poorly paid soldiers lack the motivation to prevent the trafficking of all kinds of Bedouins across the vast Sinai (weapons, drugs, prostitutes).
[10] On behalf of Kadima means forward (toward the precipice).
[11] Politics, a Greek word, absent from the Torah, has the same gematria qu'Amaleq)
[12] tallit: Read Numbers 15: 37. Tephilin 'read Deuteronomy. 6: 9
[13] Islam pretend that it is Ishmael who was on the altar (Aid el Adha, Feast of Sacrifice), confirming that he has not grasped the lesson.
[14] General ALOUPH means today. This makes sense in the context of Israel: for the current leaders of the country, Hashem 'is not always their Gd.
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