In the war of Amalek: Europe and France In particular
The Sorrow and the Pity: the remake
Until 1969, the date of the film by Marcel Ophuls, The Sorrow and the Pity, the French collective memory had retained from the period of occupation German that the image of a France unanimously resistant.
This film has had a chilling effect on the French people felt that the only stories heroized by previously authorized. In the official history, the Collaboration was the fact that a handful of traitors, for the most speedy trial occurred after the Liberation.
From testimonies of French Clermont-Ferrand, mostly anonymous, Ophüls restored a painful reality and very different from that which prevailed. The French, roughly during the German occupation, were as follows: 10% resistant, 10% of collaborators, 80% of "peace."
These "peace-there" were not peace activists. We must understand that "pacifism" in the meaning of "Get lost us peace." What mattered to the French was to survive, to round the back waiting for better days, even if it meant forcing yourself to be indifferent to the fate of fellow Jews, often neighbors, friends sometimes, that the were sent to death.
Never again!
It is easy, nowadays, in our comfortable society where war invites himself on a television screen that can switch off at will, to criticize such behavior. Nobody knows, really, how you yourself would have reacted against the tragedy of the time.
Yet, at the exit of the rooms, the public in 1969, stunned, seemed convinced that it will reclaim more. After the screening, sidewalks, we were left with 100% resistant. "Never again" is repeated to anyone who would listen. A totalitarian ogre could well arise again: he would be dealing with 50 million committed partisans.
But as everyone knows, France is a country with complex and ambiguous. For example, the fact that this film was censored for ten years on TV reveals the difficulty that the country feels when watching his image he holds up a mirror not distorted.
The years have passed. After the frenzied consumerism of the 1960s, the dream of "another world" of the 1970s, the multicultural celebration of the 1980s, we are faced with the great transformation since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the last political ideology.
Nature abhors a vacuum and destroy totalitarianism is to make the bed of his successor. This is probably part of the nature of Homo Sapiens and history is replete with human endeavor that aims for a group of people to coerce other companies to submit to a model of norms, customs and thought, according to the wishes of the invader.
Phony War
course, you recognized the modern scourge of Islam. His originality, compared to its predecessors, is the lack of clearly defined geographical territory and the fact that he has found ways to organize its major offensive without using a single tank or a single fighter plane .
The method includes several components:
1) First convince his own troops, persuade his flock that all models are invented by the West to throw out. Capitalism and communism have fought for nearly a century and have neutralized each other. They have each in turn, promised heaven on earth and it was only a chimera. Us, we promise you paradise in the afterlife if you submit to the precepts of the Prophet. Your earthly death is irrelevant. It may even be a promotion of the soul if it is to continue the fight against the infidels. Sign up now! The seats are (perhaps) limited!
1a) The threat of Muslims moderate or tempted by secularism: Muslims reluctant to part 1) are ranked among the renegades. Depending on the location of the planet, they can be regarded as apostates and threatened with death.
2) The trick or Taki: In the Arab-Muslim world is the Takia lying in the interest of religion. As this lie is with the strategy of war is a sin. One of the tricks, among many others, is to insinuate itself into a company prior reluctant to receive the graft Islamic, and to swear, hand on heart, that adherence to Islam does will be limited to the private sphere. In doing so, we study the jurisdiction of the host country. We're hiring some lawyers complacent and we managed to impose Islam on the landscape of society.
"Landscape" can sometimes be taken literally: it is a legal device that Muslims Créteil convinced their Mayor Laurent Cathala, pervert the 1905 Act and to build the mosque cristolien with money of its citizens.
Among the iconic characters that embody Takia include the famous Tariq Ramadan. He holds a communitarian discourse ultra meet his fans but the trays television, he keeps claiming the nationality of his community. Great orator, he manages to convey a binary blend of slogans and elaborate sophistry to thinking.
3) rally the "useful idiots" nothing easier in the Europe of 2009! A completely decultured Europe, leveled by the lowest level in decades. Bring down the street youth decerebrated, neck encircled their keffiyehs between a strike and a high school episode Star'Ac is a breeze. As forces left idle by the emptiness of their programs policies, still oppressed by the "white man's sob," although they must fulfill their agenda.
Phony War that we deliver these new totalitarians. All means are good for kicking tusks in our societies. Includes highlighting the plight of Palestinians, they do not care a fig who have only one quality: face to Jews. What matters is the phased plan developed in their minds long ago and the first is precisely the elimination of Jews. They are a thorn in their heels: former dhimmis who had the audacity to create an independent state. A State, moreover, prosperous, creative and winning militarily. Let's start by destroying these "monkeys" of Jews. We'll do after these "pigs" of Christians.
course, Jews represent less than 1% of the French population and their disappearance could not change our society but the French in 1969 boasted that they have become complacent. They now have a choice. Symptoms
Already, some recent events should spur their consciousness, events that are reminiscent abuses of SA in Berlin before the outbreak of World War II:
- Attacks on synagogues ram or Molotov cocktail.
- stabbings of young Jews recognized their Magen David around her neck.
- Cancellation of Israeli tourism at the Hotel Intercontinental in Paris, whose leadership has responded to pressures and intimidation of pro Palestinian.
- Ditto for the Bataclan concert hall: the simple descent of a few individuals masked threatening tone was enough to cancel a party planned for Israel January 21, 2009.
- Comedian Arthur forced to cancel a show after protesters demanding the cessation of bombing in Gaza prevented spectators from entering the room where he was to play "I-Show in Vals-les-Bains (Ardèche) .
- Applause and laughter before the delivery of fatty Dieudonné au Zénith by bringing on stage the Holocaust denier Faurisson. An award was presented to him by an actor dressed as a Jew deported.
- In Italy this time, a syndicate of traders called for a boycott of businesses run by Jews in Rome in protest against Israel and against the bombing Gaza.
If this is already the disease, it is all at least the symptoms.
So yes, the French, like all Europeans, moreover, have a choice today.
So, dear fellow?
Resistant, collaboration or "pacifist"?
Jean-Paul Belmont © Primo, January 17, 2009
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With those who know Israel well and speak so clearly, I will always be cooperative, even without being a Jew, because Israel is for me the last bastion of freedom for all, in the face of the stupid and cruel (but effective) lies of Islam.
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