Saturday, February 19, 2011

Free Episodes Of Pinky And The Brain

Tierra y Libertad ...

I do not want to be a slave!

C amarades, I do not want to be a slave! cried the Mexican, and taking the gun, it offers the world the spectacle of a real revolution, a social transformation that is shaking the very foundations of the Black Block and the Authority of the Clergy.

This revolution is not the revolt of the petty ambitious hungry for power, wealth and command. This is the revolution of those below, it is the movement of man in the darkness of the mine felt a gush idea of his head and shouted: "This metal is mine!" C is the movement of the peon who, bent over the furrow, exhausted by the sweat of his brow and the tears of his misfortune, felt that illumined consciousness, and cried: "This land is mine, and fruits that I do happen!" And is the movement of the worker who, contemplating the paintings, clothes, houses, realizes that everything has been done by his hands and exclaims emotion: "This is mine!" C 'is the movement of the proletariat is the social revolution.

is the social revolution, one that does not happen from the top down but from bottom to top, which must follow its Heads and despite being without heads and is the revolution the poor relation that raises its head in the feasts of sated, claiming the right to live. This is not the revolt that ended with the vulgar dethronement of a bandit and the rise to power of another villain, but a struggle between life and death between the two social classes: the poor and the rich, that satisfied the hungry cons, those of the proletariat against the owners, whose end will be, have faith in that, destruction of capitalism and authoritarian thrust tremendous courage who will sacrifice their life under the red flag of Newfoundland and Freedom!

Well, this sublime struggle, this holy war, which aims to free the Mexican people from the yoke of capitalism, has powerful enemies who, at any cost and by any means, want to prevent its development. Freedom and well-being - just aspirations of Mexican slaves - are troublesome things for sharks and vultures of capital and the Authority. What is good is bad for the oppressed to the oppressor. The interest of the sheep is diametrically opposite to the wolf. Well-being and freedom of Mexican working class, signifies disgrace and death to the tyrant and the exploiter. That is why when the Mexican puts on hand vigorously to destroy the law, and tears of hands of the rich land and machinery, cries of terror rising from the bourgeois camp, authoritarian, and it asks to be drowned in blood the generous efforts of a people that wants emancipation.

Mexico has fallen prey to the greed of adventurers of all countries who have settled on its rich and beautiful land, not to the happiness of Mexican proletariat, as claimed by the Government continually, but to exercise the highest criminal operation that has existed on earth. The Mexican has seen the land, forests, mines, everything from his hands to those foreigners, the latter supported by the Authority, and now the people that does justice with his own hands, desperate to find it anywhere, now that the people understood that it by force and by himself he must regain all that the citizens of Mexico and all countries have stolen and now he has found the solution to the problem of hunger and now that the horizon of his brighter future and promises her days of happiness, abundance and freedom, the international bourgeoisie and the governments of all countries are pushing the United States Government to intervene in our affairs under the pretext to guarantee the lives and interests of foreign exploiters. This is a crime! It's an insult to humanity, civilization, progress! We want five million Mexicans suffer from hunger, humiliation, tyranny, for a handful of thieves live satisfied and happy!

Thus, the United States Government lends a hand to Francisco Madero to suppress the revolutionary movement, allowing the passage of federal troops from the territory of this country to go fight the rebel forces, and exert a persecution scandalous to us, the revolutionaries, who we apply this barbarous legislation is called "laws of neutrality." Well, nothing and no one can stop the triumphant march of the revolutionary movement. The bourgeoisie wants peace? All she has to turn into working class! They want peace, those who are authoritarian? They have only to remove their coats and grab, like men, the pick and shovel, plow and spade!

Drawing José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913)

Because while there is inequality, as some work for others consume, as long as there bourgeoisie and plebeian words, there will be no peace: there will be war without truce, and our flag, the red flag of the people, continue to provoke the enemy gun, supported by brave shouting Vive Tierra y Libertad!

In Mexico, political revolutions are past history. Job hunters are no longer of this time. Conscious workers do not want more noise. Governments are parasites, that is why we cry, Death to the Government! Comrades, let us salute our flag.

Drawing Jose Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913)

This is not the flag of one country but of the entire proletariat. It contains all the pain, all the tortures, all the tears and all the anger, all the protests, all the rage of the oppressed of the Earth. And this flag does not contain that pain and anger, he is the smiling symbol of hope for the humble and a whole new world for the rebels. In humble homes, the worker stroked the head of his children moved dreaming that these creatures live a better life than he lived, they will drag more channels, they will no longer need to rent their arms bourgeois thief, nor respect the laws of the parasitic class, nor the orders of the scoundrels who call themselves Authority. They shall be free without the boss, without priest, without the Authority, the three-headed hydra that is currently in Mexico, tracked down, convulsed with rage and terror, still has claws and fangs that we libertarians it drag out forever.

is our task chains brothers, crush the monster by the only means left to us: violence! Expropriation by the sword, by fire and dynamite!

Drawing José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913)

hypocritical bourgeoisie
The United States said that we Mexicans are doing a War wild. They call us savages because we are determined to not let us operate or by the Mexicans, or by foreigners, and because we do not presidents, not white or mestizo. We want to be free, and if the world gets in our way, we will destroy this world to create another. We want to be free and if all the foreign powers will throw on us, we will fight against all these powers like tigers, like lions. I repeat, it is a struggle between life and death. Both classes are face to face: the hungry on one side, on the other satisfied, and the fight ends when one of two classes will be overwritten by another. Dispossessed, we are the most numerous and we shall overcome!


Drawing José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913)

Our enemies tremble, we must be more demanding and bolder, and that nobody crosses arms: stand up everyone! Comrades!

Nothing can achieve the Mexicans away from combat: deception or the politician who promises wonders "after the triumph," so we help to take power: neither the threats of thugs this poor clown named Francisco Madero, or military aid from the United States. This struggle must be carried to term: economic empowerment, political and social life of Mexican people, who will be when will disappear from this beautiful land of the bourgeois and the Authority, and will float triumphant flag Tierra y Libertad. Vive la Revolution Social!

Ricardo Flores Magon (1873-1922), 1912

Ricardo and Enrique Flores Magon in 1917 in the County Jail in Los Angeles

All in all

I t is absurd to believe that the rich man has the right to accumulate wealth in his hands. The rich have no right to own land because it is not his work, he has not made his hands. The land must be For this reason the property of all human beings. Any way that protects the possession of a party determined to earth, for one, is a title that supports inequality, because it deprives the rest of the people the right to use things that belong to everyone. The earth is our mother, the mother of all human beings, and for this reason, none of us can claim it for personal use that would cause the exclusion of others. As the true mother she is, she belongs entirely to all its children, humans. It is useless to argue that those who own the land they bought, who sold it sold something that does not belong to him. Equally unnecessary to allege it was acquired through inheritance, the one who has left a legacy bequeathed something that does not belong to him, since it belongs to all humans. Needless also to argue that it was obtained in a war of conquest, since it would justify the crime called conquest.

Drawing José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913)

Nobody can take ownership of the mines, quarries, forests, springs, because all this forms an integral part of the earth, and shall be owned by all human beings.

Nobody can benefit by excluding others, houses, machinery, trains and other conveyances, and goods of all kinds accumulated in warehouses, attics, shops etc.., because everything must be seen for what it is: the result of work of generations past and present. Since all humans have cooperated in the production of this wealth, it must be owned by all without exception ; As much as the engineer of the maneuver, the astronomer that the baker, the artist and the scientist as the carpenter and mason. It is impossible for the engineer to state that he must get the major portion of the profits because without his mathematical calculations would have been impossible to mount bridges, drilling tunnels, build buildings etc.. Because if were so, the manual worker could claim, and therefore rightly, that without his arms and his brain all the science of the engineer would be powerless to complete the works undertaken, the farmer and the miller could tell the engineer that without them he could not get meat, vegetables, milk or egg and so it could not have made his calculations without the tailor and the cobbler he would have no clothes to wear and his feet would not be as comfortable in a pair of shoes.

Drawing José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913)

Nobody can claim exclusive privileges for himself based on his participation in production of social wealth. The work of the engineer, doctor, scientist and artist is as good and as useful as the maneuver, the mason, woodworker, metalworker, the minor, the tailor, etc.. Everyone has the right to enjoy the social wealth that is now in the hands of some gangsters known as rich or middle class.

We must make a clean sweep of the citizens, authorities, soldiers, policemen and clergy together expropriate the wealth of society to finally make the property and all the social revolution has triumphed, my poor brother. Put into practice the principles of the manifesto of 23 September 1911, my brothers and chained stop to sacrifice ourselves to attempt to elevate someone to the presidency of the republic. To him who asks for our vote, answer them with our balls!

Ricardo Flores Magon (1873-1922); Regeneración , no. 196, July 18, 1914

Pancho Villa (1878-1923) and Emiliano Zapata (1879-1919)


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