Monday, January 19, 2009
How Much Does A Half Cost
The Sorrow and the Pity: the remake
Until 1969, the date of the film by Marcel Ophuls, The Sorrow and the Pity, the French collective memory had retained from the period of occupation German that the image of a France unanimously resistant.
This film has had a chilling effect on the French people felt that the only stories heroized by previously authorized. In the official history, the Collaboration was the fact that a handful of traitors, for the most speedy trial occurred after the Liberation.
From testimonies of French Clermont-Ferrand, mostly anonymous, Ophüls restored a painful reality and very different from that which prevailed. The French, roughly during the German occupation, were as follows: 10% resistant, 10% of collaborators, 80% of "peace."
These "peace-there" were not peace activists. We must understand that "pacifism" in the meaning of "Get lost us peace." What mattered to the French was to survive, to round the back waiting for better days, even if it meant forcing yourself to be indifferent to the fate of fellow Jews, often neighbors, friends sometimes, that the were sent to death.
Never again!
It is easy, nowadays, in our comfortable society where war invites himself on a television screen that can switch off at will, to criticize such behavior. Nobody knows, really, how you yourself would have reacted against the tragedy of the time.
Yet, at the exit of the rooms, the public in 1969, stunned, seemed convinced that it will reclaim more. After the screening, sidewalks, we were left with 100% resistant. "Never again" is repeated to anyone who would listen. A totalitarian ogre could well arise again: he would be dealing with 50 million committed partisans.
But as everyone knows, France is a country with complex and ambiguous. For example, the fact that this film was censored for ten years on TV reveals the difficulty that the country feels when watching his image he holds up a mirror not distorted.
The years have passed. After the frenzied consumerism of the 1960s, the dream of "another world" of the 1970s, the multicultural celebration of the 1980s, we are faced with the great transformation since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the last political ideology.
Nature abhors a vacuum and destroy totalitarianism is to make the bed of his successor. This is probably part of the nature of Homo Sapiens and history is replete with human endeavor that aims for a group of people to coerce other companies to submit to a model of norms, customs and thought, according to the wishes of the invader.
Phony War
course, you recognized the modern scourge of Islam. His originality, compared to its predecessors, is the lack of clearly defined geographical territory and the fact that he has found ways to organize its major offensive without using a single tank or a single fighter plane .
The method includes several components:
1) First convince his own troops, persuade his flock that all models are invented by the West to throw out. Capitalism and communism have fought for nearly a century and have neutralized each other. They have each in turn, promised heaven on earth and it was only a chimera. Us, we promise you paradise in the afterlife if you submit to the precepts of the Prophet. Your earthly death is irrelevant. It may even be a promotion of the soul if it is to continue the fight against the infidels. Sign up now! The seats are (perhaps) limited!
1a) The threat of Muslims moderate or tempted by secularism: Muslims reluctant to part 1) are ranked among the renegades. Depending on the location of the planet, they can be regarded as apostates and threatened with death.
2) The trick or Taki: In the Arab-Muslim world is the Takia lying in the interest of religion. As this lie is with the strategy of war is a sin. One of the tricks, among many others, is to insinuate itself into a company prior reluctant to receive the graft Islamic, and to swear, hand on heart, that adherence to Islam does will be limited to the private sphere. In doing so, we study the jurisdiction of the host country. We're hiring some lawyers complacent and we managed to impose Islam on the landscape of society.
"Landscape" can sometimes be taken literally: it is a legal device that Muslims Créteil convinced their Mayor Laurent Cathala, pervert the 1905 Act and to build the mosque cristolien with money of its citizens.
Among the iconic characters that embody Takia include the famous Tariq Ramadan. He holds a communitarian discourse ultra meet his fans but the trays television, he keeps claiming the nationality of his community. Great orator, he manages to convey a binary blend of slogans and elaborate sophistry to thinking.
3) rally the "useful idiots" nothing easier in the Europe of 2009! A completely decultured Europe, leveled by the lowest level in decades. Bring down the street youth decerebrated, neck encircled their keffiyehs between a strike and a high school episode Star'Ac is a breeze. As forces left idle by the emptiness of their programs policies, still oppressed by the "white man's sob," although they must fulfill their agenda.
Phony War that we deliver these new totalitarians. All means are good for kicking tusks in our societies. Includes highlighting the plight of Palestinians, they do not care a fig who have only one quality: face to Jews. What matters is the phased plan developed in their minds long ago and the first is precisely the elimination of Jews. They are a thorn in their heels: former dhimmis who had the audacity to create an independent state. A State, moreover, prosperous, creative and winning militarily. Let's start by destroying these "monkeys" of Jews. We'll do after these "pigs" of Christians.
course, Jews represent less than 1% of the French population and their disappearance could not change our society but the French in 1969 boasted that they have become complacent. They now have a choice. Symptoms
Already, some recent events should spur their consciousness, events that are reminiscent abuses of SA in Berlin before the outbreak of World War II:
- Attacks on synagogues ram or Molotov cocktail.
- stabbings of young Jews recognized their Magen David around her neck.
- Cancellation of Israeli tourism at the Hotel Intercontinental in Paris, whose leadership has responded to pressures and intimidation of pro Palestinian.
- Ditto for the Bataclan concert hall: the simple descent of a few individuals masked threatening tone was enough to cancel a party planned for Israel January 21, 2009.
- Comedian Arthur forced to cancel a show after protesters demanding the cessation of bombing in Gaza prevented spectators from entering the room where he was to play "I-Show in Vals-les-Bains (Ardèche) .
- Applause and laughter before the delivery of fatty Dieudonné au Zénith by bringing on stage the Holocaust denier Faurisson. An award was presented to him by an actor dressed as a Jew deported.
- In Italy this time, a syndicate of traders called for a boycott of businesses run by Jews in Rome in protest against Israel and against the bombing Gaza.
If this is already the disease, it is all at least the symptoms.
So yes, the French, like all Europeans, moreover, have a choice today.
So, dear fellow?
Resistant, collaboration or "pacifist"?
Jean-Paul Belmont © Primo, January 17, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
How To Get Rid Of Dry Mouthadderall
Only Hamas is responsible for the war. Only the Palestinians can stop it.
This article is a bomb. With you to distribute it wherever you can. This article must go around the Francophone world. It depends it helps you to influence the party line of hatred of Israel, the people who, like Ralph Peters writes, "poor, wounded, killed, managed to create a democracy from scratch in the in a Western wasteland East. " And the writer added, scathingly: "This is something we will never forgive." (Menahem Macina published on
Israel has killed any civilians in the Gaza Strip. More than a hundred civilians were killed and the Israeli bombs or shells may have caused their death, but this is not Israel who killed them. It is Hamas.
It is time to end the lies. The lies of Hamas. Those of the United Nations. And those media from around screaming "Save the terrorists! .
There is no moral equivalence between terrorists of Hamas and the Israeli soldiers. We must choose between white or black: there is no gray. Any negotiation is unnecessary.
Hamas is a machine to kill the Jews. Its mission is to destroy Israel. What could be negotiations?
When Hamas can not kill Jews, he willingly flap on Palestinian civilians it is in the midst of gunfire, the elderly, women and children. Hamas sends these innocents in so-called shelters, and then guide them on the Israeli strike. It's nice to lack of media headlines.
Hamas does not fight with political objectives in mind. A "peace treaty" would be an instrument in their hands. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel, on behalf of a terrorist god. A shelter in bunkers buried, or Damascus, Palestinian leaders are ready to see die an unlimited number of their civilians, or even terrorist base.
Lives are for them an instrument to an end. And the corpses of children are the fuel of propaganda.
Anything that Hamas would do to Israel does not launch an attack in self defense was not to launch rockets into Israel. All that Hamas needs to do to stop the conflict and save the Palestinian population, it is supposed to represent, is to stop killing Israelis leave Israel and live in peace.
Neither The alternative may only interest Hamas.
Today, Israel must continue its attack, causing the most damage possible to Hamas before a new U.S. president takes place. If Israel stops now, Hamas will declare victory just because he has survived, despite its massive losses. Although it is impossible to eliminate radical extremism, the only hope of reaching a peace, however temporary, however imperfect, is to kill every terrorist leader in his bunker buried in Gaza. This opportunity will represent perhaps ever.
And let no worries not to create a "power vacuum"! That the Palestinians to fend for them. Even anarchy is better for Israel than Hamas.
The vast majority of Israelis, Americans and Westerners share a common delusion: we remain tragically trapped in a model of terrorism exceeded that of 'Arafat's PLO, IRA, Red Brigades ... But despite all their violence, these organizations do not think sent by God.
Terrorists yesterday wanted to change the world. They were willing to pay the blood for their cause and, in extreme cases, theirs too. But they did not seek the death itself. They preferred to live to see what would be the better world to which they aspired.
Our civilization faces today with terrorists for whom death is a career development . They believe that every act of service to their god is excusable. And the heart of their belief is that you and me, we're stubborn disbelievers, deserve death.
Their terrible god knows no compromise. Procrastination is the lesser treason, as their god trust them. And yet we believe (and even some Israelis believe) that it is possible to make agreements with them.
In its search for peace, Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians, a people who had never had a state to him. In gratitude, Israel received the rocket terror. And the Palestinians were entitled to the gang war.
Peace is the last thing the terrorists and gangsters of Hamas might seek. Peace is the end of their little game peace, it means they have disappointed their god. Peace is the end of the pretexts for war. Peace ? They would not bear it six months!
This war will end. And we are afraid to admit what this war.
Anything that happens has nothing to do with the sins of American or Israeli intransigence. The problem is the harm suffered by a civilization, that of Islam, Middle East, and can not heal from the inside. As the Arabs and the Iranians have not decided to heal, we must fight.
Instead, we want to negotiate. We achieve convince us, against all evidence, in reality our enemies want to talk with us, they are waiting for some good reasons to do so, "incentives" (that's what diplomats call the pots of wine). If our nominee for President (Obama) truly believes, as he suggests, it is possible to negotiate with terrorists guided by faith, his naivete is truly terrifying.
is certainly understandable. Entire career of Barack Obama rests on words, not deeds, on his gift of persuasion, not power decision. But all his discussions, neighborhood meetings and handshakes behind the scenes do not help him as preparation for "negotiations" with people whose goal is obsessive destruction of Israel - and ours.
If Obama takes the same story of the insane "peace process" than its predecessors, both Jimmy Carter ("I like having a terrorist in Arms"), Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, he will eat before we know who was bitten.
How many times will it be that governments different redo the same mistake to believe that deep down every terrorist, killer, or warlord, there is a good guy who wants peace with the same fervor as we do? Israel's enemies do not want a treaty which is beneficial: they want to destroy Israel.
What's that you can not understand this? They do not we scream loud enough, maybe? Israel's enemies preach hatred of Jews for so long that even the "moderates" can not do an about-face.
And why the left International she hates Israel so much? Why so much enthusiasm to come to the aid of Hamas?
Because, by its very existence - that owes everything to work, education and discipline - Israel undermines the idea of a people helpless in the grip of all evils. Israel did not need dozens of NGOs and their condescending staff addicted to unhappiness.
Because Europeans are still ashamed of the Holocaust. They need to believe that Israelis are Nazis with a yarmulke.
Because warm in cafes and on campus, it is "cool" to speak of "freedom fighters" instead of terrorists. We should feel less guilty when you go ask for candy dough (or state). And until we have to live with terrorists, it's still cool, right?
... And then, largely because racists destructive harshest in the world today are leftists base. Want proof?
They decided that Israel was white and therefore consubstantial, an oppressor. Israel is high at the highest rank of our civilization and our legal codes - while being denied the right to self defense. But, finally, the left think people with darker skins are lower and we can not require them civilized behavior. Leftists believe that terrorist movement, or African dictators, must necessarily behave despicable. This is the post-modern version, how cappuccino with foam, a mentality that focuses on the fate of the "nice little black brother."
The worst enemy of developing countries are leftists who refuse to apply the same standards of integrity and governance requirements same as western societies. It is true that the left needs the failure of developing countries to prove that the system is fiercely opposed to their development.
However, a poor people, murdered, assassinated, succeeded in create from scratch a Western-style democracy in a vacant East. This is something we will never forgive.
After 60 years of intractable conflict that neighbors Israel continue to impose, not only is there not any "good" solution, but thanks to the all or nothing mentality of Islamic terrorists, there is not even "bad" solutions (unless you include the nuclear genocide) could bring lasting peace in the Middle East.
Even the elimination of Israel would not suffice. The terrorists would fight among themselves while taking the war on other Muslims less devout than themselves.
All Israel can do is fight for last buy and intervals of calm with the blood of its children. By demanding a cease-fire and insisting premature to find a diplomatic solution, we would only strengthen the monster and weaken those who defend us.
And do not believe a word of propaganda claiming that the dispute agree Palestinians in Gaza after Hamas. That would more than condescension towards the "nice little black brother," as if the Arabs were too stupid to ignore that is responsible for all this, and prolongs the war at their expense.
The population of Gaza does perhaps no Israelis in her heart but she certainly regrets the day she chose a ballot in favor of Hamas. Because it is Hamas who murdered.
Ralph Peters © The New York Post.
How Much Is A Cryst Removal
On television Al Aqsa, Hamas, January 8, 2009:
reported on 12/01/2009 by "Palestinian Media Watch
Palestinian Contact Media Watch:
p: +972 2 625 4140 | |
f: +972 2 624 2803 |
A Saudi scholar on television's "Hamas: Jews are the enemies of Allah and be killed
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
" The Jews are the enemies of Allah, and therefore, by definition, are the enemies of all Muslims. This opinion was expressed by Dr. Walid Al- Rashudi , Head of the Department of Islamic Studies at the University Saud in Saudi Arabia , in a speech broadcast last week on TV's' Hamas. The religious scholar also pray for the extermination of all Jews: "Kill them one by one and do not leave even one." Hamas leaders have repeatedly expressed the belief that all Jews should be exterminated. Click to see PMW bulletin: # b040109
The scholar religious also expressed his rage against Muslim countries who are allied with the West, calling them "traitors ... who believe in America ", instead of Allah. "
Click here to view:
Palestinians, whether Hamas or Fatah, with much of the Islamic world, have Arab confrontation against Israel as a conflict of Arab Islam against the Jews, completely reject the territorial aspect and the call of religious conflict. Many also define the conflict in a broader perspective - as a religious conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims - and condemned as traitors moderate Arab countries allied to America.
Thus says Dr. Walid Al-Rashudi:
"Do not treat the Jews as enemies as human beings who eat and drink. No! We treat them as enemies because they are the enemies of Allah and the prophets, they killed the prophets, distorted the prophecy, they are treacherous and deceitful - so we treat them as enemies. "
" We are a nation [Muslim] who believe in the Unseen, and you [Muslims] traitors, you do not believe. We believe in Allah the Almighty, and you [Muslim traitors] you believe in America and Israel. We believe that Allah, may He be high, sent his soldiers against the United States in many places around the world. "
" O Allah, deal the heaviest possible losses on the Jews, kill them one by one and do not leave even one. "
Monday, January 5, 2009
Panties Peeking Out Of Jeans
Israel News
This January 3, 2009, the Israeli operation launched last week on the territory of the Gaza Strip came in its terrestrial phase, the objective being to stop shipments of missiles and other rockets on Israeli soil uninterrupted since the end of the truce declared by Hamas December 19, 2008. However, despite the imbalance of forces, Hamas fighters continue relentlessly stubborn attacks on Israeli territory as if they were able to compete with their neighbor over-armed.
Obviously, the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are well aware of the extraordinary power of Israeli military but take the risk of confrontation for several reasons: First, Hamas is trying to bring the neighboring countries to the relationship of belligerency local, a regional conflict involving the Muslim world. Moreover, Hamas presents itself as a resistance movement must operate like the small Palestinian crushed by the Israeli superpower to move the international community, and thus give a veneer of legitimacy to the Palestinian struggle. Finally, the Islamist Palestinian movement intends to demonstrate the inability of Israel to make it disappear, which allows him to prepare what he considers a victory despite the announcement that it will suffer heavy damage in its ranks.
This particular propensity of the Palestinian people to wage war, necessarily leads to questions about the specific mechanism of socialization of individuals within the territory of the Gaza Strip. In principle, the process of socialization is intended to lead people to accept the rules of collective life, customs and moral values of society to integrate them smoothly but within Palestinian society, it is not. Palestinian society does not guide its members, do advise to enable them to gain some discipline and does not raise the social power of its members.
other words, Palestinian society does not cultivate empathy for its members, their generosity, awareness of the existence and rights of others, the satisfaction of helping others, seeking compromise regarding the need competition, the claim quiet and non-belligerent rights. Similarly, and on a moral level, Palestinian society in Gaza does not bring its members to develop and internalize a moral conscience, distinguishing right from wrong.
This has an immediate impact on how the education of Palestinian children is neither constructive nor positive. Children are not regarded as beings who must comply with rules and social obligations. Indeed, they grow in Gaza as if they were punished. Specifically, Palestinian society arouses a sense of anxiety and rejection that they lose confidence in the world around him. Thus, Palestinian children do not learn to control their impulses, to accept the limits of social rules or understand their basis. Ultimately, everything is organized in Palestinian society that children have no respect for themselves and their individual development will build on negative feelings such as to cause adverse effects.
Inevitably, Palestinian children can understand what counts, what is good and what is not, and whom to trust. In short, they are deprived of support, certainty, benchmarks or sense of security.
The result is immediate in terms of their actions: they have no clear and concrete indications on how to behave or act. Moreover, their parents are not there to guide them nor serve as a model if not to make martyrs of the cause. So everything is organized to stifle them, require them to obedience and submission and prevent them to grow, experiment, discover, and express themselves. Also, do they have no space of freedom or the ability to make decisions.
Ultimately, Palestinian children are being excluded from the process of socialization to prevent them from acquiring a mature adult and citizen. Instead, the violence they are victims within the Palestinian system itself has an educational function since it aims to reproduce the climate of violence for generations to come for themselves and in relationship with others.
of this and because they can take a step back on its own existence and that of others, the entire Palestinian population is infantilized for its violence is comparable to that exercised by children about their environment and that 'and allow it to:
- test the authority of the neighbor to seek limits
- cause the authority to destabilize
- breaking his surroundings to illustrate his power over things
- fight to win the good neighbor's envy and coveted
course, achieving the goal requires local politicians that they have a perfect mastery of techniques of mental manipulation. To do this, it should give members of society a positive image of themselves, and to present the project as virtuous social values of Islam as the foundation managed system to avoid jeopardizing it.
Moreover, and to get all of the local population a perfect docility, political institutions have put the principles of morality to the forefront. Thus, the parliament in Gaza recently, to adopt a bill that punishes offenders accordance with Islamic law, that is to say by flogging (in case of consumption or production of alcohol), hand-cut (in case of theft) and of course the death penalty in cases of demoralization of the people, committed actions in conflict with national interests or even in case of espionage for an enemy state such as Israel. This religious radicalization has naturally accompanied by the closure of Internet cafes or the compulsory wearing of the veil ....
This particular mode of functioning of Palestinian society must lead the State of Israel to the utmost vigilance in his speech land since the Palestinian provocateurs have no survival instinct nor any individual purpose. They are useful only for the generations to follow and brought shall seek to cause the largest number of Israeli casualties to destabilize Israel, while appearing as victims of their Jewish neighbors from stealing their land.
Israel must not fall into the trap of stagnation of the situation which make him doubt the validity of its action and its legitimacy.
The Palestinians will then realize the evil of their system and finally decide to exploit their potential human.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Japanese Wedding Quotes
IDF "live" on YouTube
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But spiritual warfare continues and Media:
1) Pray for Israel and especially for protection and victory of our soldiers.
The brother of Ola, Zeev (nicknamed Vova, 31 years old) was recalled as a reservist on 31/12 in Gaza.
Pray "for the peace of Jerusalem" is to pray for our enemies cease to hate us and want to kill us. So pray "for the Peace of Jerusalem "will, for an enemy who has proved he does not want peace, until the fight and destroy them . Remember that the Messiah will come only after his enemies be submitted. If the Messiah and the God who sends you do not like is that they are not those of the Hebrew Bible, but a serious deviance that sent us to the pyres of the Inquisition and finally at Auschwitz. But this time, God gave us the weapons we did not in 1942.
See site Rav Dufour and put his ballot updated periodically:
the prayer recited regularly in Israel for soldiers "but, he says, everyone will find in the Psalms the notes corresponding to his heart and do not forget to pray for the innocent and also to the minds of leaders on all sides are the focus of humanity and peace to all. "
2) Be informed of what's really happening in Israel, your media european support our enemies. Here below what they probably do not tell you:
Why Israel's army should go to Gaza: the 300 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip last week against Israeli territory, 220 or 73%, have Land was the IDF took control last twenty-four hours.
Why Israel's army must not be interrupted by Kouchner and Co.:
The enemy losses are estimated at about 500 killed, but on an estimated 15,000 terrorists . Work remains, and the civilian population or they are hiding (human shields) voted for them and supports them.
the price Israel pays: 04/01/2000
Sunday evening at 23 30 pm, Sergeant Immanuelov Dvir (z'l), was buried at Mount Herzl military cemetery in Yerouchalaim.
DAMIM In Hebrew means "BLOOD" but also "MONEY." When donors from abroad to give their money, it's never until the last drop of their money. But when the soldiers of the army of Israel, civilians in areas at risk, give their blood, till the last drop of their blood.
As for our enemies, they kill each other very well without us:
Summary executions in Gaza. The power of Hamas has put tens of Fatah members in custody for fear they will take advantage of the Israeli incursion and regain control of the Gaza Strip. According to official sources in Ramallah, Hamas would have shot in the legs of at least 75 Fatah members in addition to having broken the hands of others. Wisam Abu Jalhoum active member of Fatah's Jabalya refugee camp, was shot in each leg for having openly expressed his satisfaction following the Israeli strikes on Hamas infrastructure. Moreover, sources close to Hamas revealed that more than 35 Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel had been "executed" during the weekend. The decision was taken to eliminate them for fear that Israel is trying to rescue them during a ground operation. (Http:// French edition of The Jerusalem Post)
We recommend a site not Jewish very well informed:
A site well informed about the Israeli military operations, but regularly slips against the Torah, nevertheless useful:
The media have chosen their camp (info # 020401 / 9)
© Metula News Agency, by Etienne Durania
far can tendentious journalism: there is no Hamas in the war between Hamas IDF!
There is no Western reporter in the Gaza Strip, and no reporter - short - loaded with a contingent of Israeli intervention.
This choice of the army, under the cacophony unhealthy that was unleashed during the Second Lebanon War, a result that nobody knows exactly what is happening in the band and where are the fights.
Unlike what happened in the summer of 2006, the IDF does not give daily press briefing. Even more extreme, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, General Gaby Ashkenazi, is not publicly intervened only once, during the eight days since the conflict has lasted.
No other officer or soldier has also broken this impressive radio silence.
The immediate advantage of this silence is that armed forces conduct operations in their hand without having to account for each of their choice or status of their initiatives.
Even the 55 IDF soldiers treated in hospitals for injuries received in battle remain silent about what they saw. The only thing they want to express is their eagerness to rejoin their unit.
The only means to obtain information resides either in the viewing of television programming, with Arab correspondents and cameras in Gaza City, or by telephone calls to Gazans (our preferred choice) provided that you have reliable and trustworthy friends of the other side of the line of fire. About
television reports, we watch all the time loop that we did not find the field: they have reached an unprecedented coordinated manipulation of public opinion.
TV channels do not cover the Battle of Gaza, all the images they present, whether Al Jazeera, BBC, FR24, FR2, CNN, Euronews - etc. infection. Revolve around a single subject: the humanitarian situation of civilians in Gaza execrable.
This single theme emerges naturally finding redundant, one of Israel's inhumanity, and an urgent conclusion: we need the international community compels Jerusalem as soon as possible to accept a cease-fire unilaterally and unconditionally.
A look a little closer, the astute observer understands very quickly that these channels exert a lobby in favor of Hamas, which itself has chosen the theme of their unique stories, and trying to do Fixing gooders Western and the Arab street to avoid having shortly at the white flag.
Professionally, it's not very complicated: it is limited to placing a camera outside the entrance of emergency Shifa hospital, another in intensive care rooms and a third in the morgue. Taking care, at this last stage, there is someone to discover the face of death, that chilling the viewer.
The dishonesty of information officers chains participating in the propaganda of Hamas, is to disseminate these images bidonnées because the viewer never sees a militiaman Islamist injuries or death. The conspirators
Audiovisual anti-Israel would have us believe that the Israeli military combat air holes, or they are so clumsy they have not yet reached one in eight days of fighting.
Or, perhaps, is that the militia and other Islamic terrorists do not bleed when they are injured or, they are not allowed access to hospitals?
We do not show either the target group of militiamen in good health, too. Images of weapons that could serve them, and the positions they occupy, vehicles they use.
Hear attentively readers exception, how far can the biased journalism: there is no Hamas in the war between Hamas, the IDF!
However, we can be certain that every civilian in Gaza dead or wounded, as his family has a right of way in front of a worldwide audience. The latter can not imagine that we are in the process of being taken for a ride and willing to extraordinary media efforts to raise their anti-Israeli sentiment, and why not anti-Semitic.
items incidental to the big stage is left to the "sensitivity" of each particular channel involved. One interviewing a doctor who complained last five days, its stock of equipment and drugs will soon be exhausted.
One of his colleague argues that supply does not, before the terrified face of the interviewer Arabic, and that the rebel journalist studio in Doha, Paris, London or New York. They all want the viewer to believe the target, that 10 000 tonnes of food and medical supplies (200 trucks) but moving in a week by the Israelis were distributed to fish off the coast of Gaza. A third colleague
practitioner to another channel, warned of the massacre that will occur if the electrical generators at the hospital fail, they are almost empty, having escaped the distribution of fuel for reason that we do not explain. In fact, it shows a lot of hemoglobin and it explains almost nothing. The weight of the photos, they said ...
What is also amazing is to see all private cars, which probably operate treadle, and ambulances - including 70 given by the Israeli Star of David - who certainly fueled seawater
become again a bit seriously: December 27 last, in the Shiite neighborhood of Khadimiya (nothing to do with the party of Ms. Livni and Mr. Olmert) in Baghdad, a Sunni terrorist s is detonated in the midst of a religious procession. Appraisal: 38 dead and 72 injured - Or as much as all the dead Palestinians since the beginning of the ground operation, according to sources from Hamas itself.
One of the drives he glimpsed on the TV set, a body of Iraqi civilian (there were only civilians) shredded, he saw, long minutes, how Mesopotamian physicians at blouse stained with blood, were busy saving the life of an injured?
course not, yet these are not the cameras that are missing in Baghdad, nor the doctors trying to save lives. It's just that nobody has decided to demonize the Sunni terrorists by violating the rules minimum of ontology and medical journalism.
The Baghdad attack stems from an under-exposure event, intended not to stigmatize the Sunni terrorists, while the information processing in Gaza is part of overexposure artificial suffering of civilian victims, intended to demonize Hebrews and to trivialize the aggression of the western Negev by Islamic terrorists. A
believe the statistics produced by the IDF spokesman, 78% of Palestinian victims of molten lead are members of Hamas. Assuming there were 400 deaths in total in the Gaza Strip, I think I saw all the 88 civilian victims ... and none of the 312 "soldiers" died in the service of the militia ...
A mounting propaganda, pushing the commentators - still not Pulitzer candidates - TV channels participating in the conspiracy to stir often brushes, claiming that all the victims are civilians in Gaza - here is one who believes that it shows! Or most victims are civilians in Gaza , etc..
As for Hamas, since he does not see the target viewer is urged to be persuaded that it is not in question, and that Israeli killers are in the process of ethnic cleansing of Palestinian children and women, since that's all you show him.
He can not forget that the parliament of this band of brave resistance just restore the last few days, the pain of severed hand for theft, even for children who swipe an apple to a display, that of lashes and that of the crucifixion. If the target viewer can not forget, it's just that his informants registrants have not found it necessary to tell him.
finish this little survey a brief discussion on the sense of proportion: the chains of the plot frequently report that the city of Gaza count 1.5 million people. Not true, there are less than 1 .3 million in the whole band.
But let, let to the point: these lines tell us about a spate of violence against Israeli civilians, while quoting the figure of 40 dead - and armed civilians - for the first 24 hours of the Israeli ground offensive .
40 deaths per million inhabitants in Gaza city, can we call this smart or even genocide massacre?
This does confirm he not, instead, the eminently prudent Hebrew warrior in his treatment, during the war, people who are not directly involved in combat?
End quote, go
How To Make Pokemon Shiny In Your Party
In fact, the message of France has not changed. Chirac and Douste-Blazy had saved Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006, as Mitterrand had saved Arafat in Beirut in 1982. Today, his St. Bernard Kouchner Minister wants to save Hamas. He had already found nothing to say during his trip to Israel in February 2008 when her TV reporter Infolife noted that aid trucks had passed the weapons to Gaza ( fr/
All these reactions were predictable, to a degree as we could enunciate the text, almost word for word, although advance. When rockets fall on blind Israeli cities, destroy, are sometimes dead is very banal.
But when Israel responds, the Israeli action, however, is always wrong, it should always be stopped immediately, it is still excessive, unjustified, treated as criminal.
What the Muslim world responded as he did is horribly explained. This is the simple extension of the sub-political, economic and cultural zone in the world, or we remain all too often ready to flatter the dictators, the condition that they utter anti-Western diatribes. Admire the killers if their victims are not Muslim - and, if possible, Jewish.
A poll published March 26, 2008 by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR), 84% of Arabs occupying the Land of Israel supported the murderous attacks on March 6 against a Talmudic school Yerouchalaim, 67% of those interviewed said they support attacks against civilians in Israel, and 64% supported the firing of rockets from Gaza on Israeli towns bordering.
But why basically there is in Europe about similar to those required in the Muslim world? Why such indulgence for colleagues murderers Mumbai-Bombay (those who torture Rabbi Holtzberg and his wife before their throats cut?) This could suggest that there is a contagion effect and also just a Commencement of submission.
"He that cometh from Edom clothes dyed in red" (Isaiah 63) will not need to destroy your nations. Europe will have previously SUICIDE.