# 6 In the war of Amalek
Israel News
This January 3, 2009, the Israeli operation launched last week on the territory of the Gaza Strip came in its terrestrial phase, the objective being to stop shipments of missiles and other rockets on Israeli soil uninterrupted since the end of the truce declared by Hamas December 19, 2008. However, despite the imbalance of forces, Hamas fighters continue relentlessly stubborn attacks on Israeli territory as if they were able to compete with their neighbor over-armed.
Obviously, the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip are well aware of the extraordinary power of Israeli military but take the risk of confrontation for several reasons: First, Hamas is trying to bring the neighboring countries to the relationship of belligerency local, a regional conflict involving the Muslim world. Moreover, Hamas presents itself as a resistance movement must operate like the small Palestinian crushed by the Israeli superpower to move the international community, and thus give a veneer of legitimacy to the Palestinian struggle. Finally, the Islamist Palestinian movement intends to demonstrate the inability of Israel to make it disappear, which allows him to prepare what he considers a victory despite the announcement that it will suffer heavy damage in its ranks.
This particular propensity of the Palestinian people to wage war, necessarily leads to questions about the specific mechanism of socialization of individuals within the territory of the Gaza Strip. In principle, the process of socialization is intended to lead people to accept the rules of collective life, customs and moral values of society to integrate them smoothly but within Palestinian society, it is not. Palestinian society does not guide its members, do advise to enable them to gain some discipline and does not raise the social power of its members.
other words, Palestinian society does not cultivate empathy for its members, their generosity, awareness of the existence and rights of others, the satisfaction of helping others, seeking compromise regarding the need competition, the claim quiet and non-belligerent rights. Similarly, and on a moral level, Palestinian society in Gaza does not bring its members to develop and internalize a moral conscience, distinguishing right from wrong.
This has an immediate impact on how the education of Palestinian children is neither constructive nor positive. Children are not regarded as beings who must comply with rules and social obligations. Indeed, they grow in Gaza as if they were punished. Specifically, Palestinian society arouses a sense of anxiety and rejection that they lose confidence in the world around him. Thus, Palestinian children do not learn to control their impulses, to accept the limits of social rules or understand their basis. Ultimately, everything is organized in Palestinian society that children have no respect for themselves and their individual development will build on negative feelings such as to cause adverse effects.
Inevitably, Palestinian children can understand what counts, what is good and what is not, and whom to trust. In short, they are deprived of support, certainty, benchmarks or sense of security.
The result is immediate in terms of their actions: they have no clear and concrete indications on how to behave or act. Moreover, their parents are not there to guide them nor serve as a model if not to make martyrs of the cause. So everything is organized to stifle them, require them to obedience and submission and prevent them to grow, experiment, discover, and express themselves. Also, do they have no space of freedom or the ability to make decisions.
Ultimately, Palestinian children are being excluded from the process of socialization to prevent them from acquiring a mature adult and citizen. Instead, the violence they are victims within the Palestinian system itself has an educational function since it aims to reproduce the climate of violence for generations to come for themselves and in relationship with others.
of this and because they can take a step back on its own existence and that of others, the entire Palestinian population is infantilized for its violence is comparable to that exercised by children about their environment and that 'and allow it to:
- test the authority of the neighbor to seek limits
- cause the authority to destabilize
- breaking his surroundings to illustrate his power over things
- fight to win the good neighbor's envy and coveted
course, achieving the goal requires local politicians that they have a perfect mastery of techniques of mental manipulation. To do this, it should give members of society a positive image of themselves, and to present the project as virtuous social values of Islam as the foundation managed system to avoid jeopardizing it.
Moreover, and to get all of the local population a perfect docility, political institutions have put the principles of morality to the forefront. Thus, the parliament in Gaza recently, to adopt a bill that punishes offenders accordance with Islamic law, that is to say by flogging (in case of consumption or production of alcohol), hand-cut (in case of theft) and of course the death penalty in cases of demoralization of the people, committed actions in conflict with national interests or even in case of espionage for an enemy state such as Israel. This religious radicalization has naturally accompanied by the closure of Internet cafes or the compulsory wearing of the veil ....
This particular mode of functioning of Palestinian society must lead the State of Israel to the utmost vigilance in his speech land since the Palestinian provocateurs have no survival instinct nor any individual purpose. They are useful only for the generations to follow and brought shall seek to cause the largest number of Israeli casualties to destabilize Israel, while appearing as victims of their Jewish neighbors from stealing their land.
Israel must not fall into the trap of stagnation of the situation which make him doubt the validity of its action and its legitimacy.
The Palestinians will then realize the evil of their system and finally decide to exploit their potential human.
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