war of Amalek
Only Hamas is responsible for the war. Only the Palestinians can stop it.
This article is a bomb. With you to distribute it wherever you can. This article must go around the Francophone world. It depends it helps you to influence the party line of hatred of Israel, the people who, like Ralph Peters writes, "poor, wounded, killed, managed to create a democracy from scratch in the in a Western wasteland East. " And the writer added, scathingly: "This is something we will never forgive." (Menahem Macina published on upjf.org).
Israel has killed any civilians in the Gaza Strip. More than a hundred civilians were killed and the Israeli bombs or shells may have caused their death, but this is not Israel who killed them. It is Hamas.
It is time to end the lies. The lies of Hamas. Those of the United Nations. And those media from around screaming "Save the terrorists! .
There is no moral equivalence between terrorists of Hamas and the Israeli soldiers. We must choose between white or black: there is no gray. Any negotiation is unnecessary.
Hamas is a machine to kill the Jews. Its mission is to destroy Israel. What could be negotiations?
When Hamas can not kill Jews, he willingly flap on Palestinian civilians it is in the midst of gunfire, the elderly, women and children. Hamas sends these innocents in so-called shelters, and then guide them on the Israeli strike. It's nice to lack of media headlines.
Hamas does not fight with political objectives in mind. A "peace treaty" would be an instrument in their hands. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel, on behalf of a terrorist god. A shelter in bunkers buried, or Damascus, Palestinian leaders are ready to see die an unlimited number of their civilians, or even terrorist base.
Lives are for them an instrument to an end. And the corpses of children are the fuel of propaganda.
Anything that Hamas would do to Israel does not launch an attack in self defense was not to launch rockets into Israel. All that Hamas needs to do to stop the conflict and save the Palestinian population, it is supposed to represent, is to stop killing Israelis leave Israel and live in peace.
Neither The alternative may only interest Hamas.
Today, Israel must continue its attack, causing the most damage possible to Hamas before a new U.S. president takes place. If Israel stops now, Hamas will declare victory just because he has survived, despite its massive losses. Although it is impossible to eliminate radical extremism, the only hope of reaching a peace, however temporary, however imperfect, is to kill every terrorist leader in his bunker buried in Gaza. This opportunity will represent perhaps ever.
And let no worries not to create a "power vacuum"! That the Palestinians to fend for them. Even anarchy is better for Israel than Hamas.
The vast majority of Israelis, Americans and Westerners share a common delusion: we remain tragically trapped in a model of terrorism exceeded that of 'Arafat's PLO, IRA, Red Brigades ... But despite all their violence, these organizations do not think sent by God.
Terrorists yesterday wanted to change the world. They were willing to pay the blood for their cause and, in extreme cases, theirs too. But they did not seek the death itself. They preferred to live to see what would be the better world to which they aspired.
Our civilization faces today with terrorists for whom death is a career development . They believe that every act of service to their god is excusable. And the heart of their belief is that you and me, we're stubborn disbelievers, deserve death.
Their terrible god knows no compromise. Procrastination is the lesser treason, as their god trust them. And yet we believe (and even some Israelis believe) that it is possible to make agreements with them.
In its search for peace, Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians, a people who had never had a state to him. In gratitude, Israel received the rocket terror. And the Palestinians were entitled to the gang war.
Peace is the last thing the terrorists and gangsters of Hamas might seek. Peace is the end of their little game peace, it means they have disappointed their god. Peace is the end of the pretexts for war. Peace ? They would not bear it six months!
This war will end. And we are afraid to admit what this war.
Anything that happens has nothing to do with the sins of American or Israeli intransigence. The problem is the harm suffered by a civilization, that of Islam, Middle East, and can not heal from the inside. As the Arabs and the Iranians have not decided to heal, we must fight.
Instead, we want to negotiate. We achieve convince us, against all evidence, in reality our enemies want to talk with us, they are waiting for some good reasons to do so, "incentives" (that's what diplomats call the pots of wine). If our nominee for President (Obama) truly believes, as he suggests, it is possible to negotiate with terrorists guided by faith, his naivete is truly terrifying.
is certainly understandable. Entire career of Barack Obama rests on words, not deeds, on his gift of persuasion, not power decision. But all his discussions, neighborhood meetings and handshakes behind the scenes do not help him as preparation for "negotiations" with people whose goal is obsessive destruction of Israel - and ours.
If Obama takes the same story of the insane "peace process" than its predecessors, both Jimmy Carter ("I like having a terrorist in Arms"), Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, he will eat before we know who was bitten.
How many times will it be that governments different redo the same mistake to believe that deep down every terrorist, killer, or warlord, there is a good guy who wants peace with the same fervor as we do? Israel's enemies do not want a treaty which is beneficial: they want to destroy Israel.
What's that you can not understand this? They do not we scream loud enough, maybe? Israel's enemies preach hatred of Jews for so long that even the "moderates" can not do an about-face.
And why the left International she hates Israel so much? Why so much enthusiasm to come to the aid of Hamas?
Because, by its very existence - that owes everything to work, education and discipline - Israel undermines the idea of a people helpless in the grip of all evils. Israel did not need dozens of NGOs and their condescending staff addicted to unhappiness.
Because Europeans are still ashamed of the Holocaust. They need to believe that Israelis are Nazis with a yarmulke.
Because warm in cafes and on campus, it is "cool" to speak of "freedom fighters" instead of terrorists. We should feel less guilty when you go ask for candy dough (or state). And until we have to live with terrorists, it's still cool, right?
... And then, largely because racists destructive harshest in the world today are leftists base. Want proof?
They decided that Israel was white and therefore consubstantial, an oppressor. Israel is high at the highest rank of our civilization and our legal codes - while being denied the right to self defense. But, finally, the left think people with darker skins are lower and we can not require them civilized behavior. Leftists believe that terrorist movement, or African dictators, must necessarily behave despicable. This is the post-modern version, how cappuccino with foam, a mentality that focuses on the fate of the "nice little black brother."
The worst enemy of developing countries are leftists who refuse to apply the same standards of integrity and governance requirements same as western societies. It is true that the left needs the failure of developing countries to prove that the system is fiercely opposed to their development.
However, a poor people, murdered, assassinated, succeeded in create from scratch a Western-style democracy in a vacant East. This is something we will never forgive.
After 60 years of intractable conflict that neighbors Israel continue to impose, not only is there not any "good" solution, but thanks to the all or nothing mentality of Islamic terrorists, there is not even "bad" solutions (unless you include the nuclear genocide) could bring lasting peace in the Middle East.
Even the elimination of Israel would not suffice. The terrorists would fight among themselves while taking the war on other Muslims less devout than themselves.
All Israel can do is fight for last buy and intervals of calm with the blood of its children. By demanding a cease-fire and insisting premature to find a diplomatic solution, we would only strengthen the monster and weaken those who defend us.
And do not believe a word of propaganda claiming that the dispute agree Palestinians in Gaza after Hamas. That would more than condescension towards the "nice little black brother," as if the Arabs were too stupid to ignore that is responsible for all this, and prolongs the war at their expense.
The population of Gaza does perhaps no Israelis in her heart but she certainly regrets the day she chose a ballot in favor of Hamas. Because it is Hamas who murdered.
Ralph Peters © The New York Post.
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