editions Apogee Rennes
translation Beceyro Cecilia and Sergio Delgado
Another memory
We have to invent another memory
not to go crazy. Roberto
When more than two windows open at the same time, it offers air, clarity and perspective, especially if any of them overlooking a panoramic landscape or exotic (from the pampas Andes branching off to the sea ports, where it bars pitching), but all focus is, instead, the daily reality of a burgeoning, taken and described by the horns (which makes it very physical ) by poets born in Argentina between 1960 and 1978.
It is not necessary to go over in detail what has been endured the people of this country during the past decades but it is obvious that this history (political, military, social and economic) can not not fit into contemporary art. Thus, what we discovered recently at the screen, across Agnus Dei, the film by Lucia Cedron or Fallen Angels Pablo Reyero or more InSIC still in Poems by Juan Gelman, who had to do with this dark years, dictatorship, opponents disappeared, the wounds still gaping and desolation that does not clear, it is found equally divided, watermark, significantly, almost trivial but so effective in the poems translated by the authors. What they
say may surprise. The live-in is rarely transcribed but viciously interrogated obliquely, gently, wielding irony, derision, and sometimes the absurd in small doses. We are in the art of subtle and judicious circumvention. More readily in the digression in the sketch. Described, return a particular scene, including players to show their work enough. If sense (or nonsense) there, it will in the end the reader to detect it by going to delve between the lines, words, emotions, compromise, replicas, the vagaries of a leading newspaper that more faster. All
capture, capture at a glance (opening every time an almost cinematic sequence) which gives relief to the monotony room. Here, a perfume bottle falls and an unexpected gem too ordinary well-oiled. Here, children have fun putting coins on the rails until the passage of the next train. Elsewhere, someone dreaming of his boredom during a bus trip to Bahia Blanca. Elsewhere, an irascible grandfather made a ruckus at the baptism of his grand-son (scene rendered by Washington Curcurto out of the church), taking a real pleasure to shatter wisdom and good feelings ...
These pieces of lives (themselves into pieces) which intertwine with passion and restraint, however, quite often in the right mood (or can not cry on yourself or on others in these poems), between reflex and reflection, can be considered a "chronic writings in progress." Chronic held by authors who listen, observe and record, remixing them in a stream close to the spoken word, all the chips or whispers, stories and surprises, strokes, strokes or heart rants able, as suggested judiciously Juarroz Roberto (1925 - 1995), a leading Argentine poets, to help them invent, now, "another memory."
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